American Elephants

What’s the Real Difference between Democrats and Republicans? by The Elephant's Child

You see it again in the current political campaign. Democrats want to buy your votes, with, say, “Medicare for All”, or “The Green New Deal.” The basic problem with this is not just that such programs would be absurdly costly. The problem is that the federal government has no money of it’s own, and can only “give” you these wonderful benefits by raising your taxes. Of course they say — not yours, just the taxes on the very wealthy, Big Business, rich people. Part of the problem is that Big Business and those who run those big businesses are those who create and fill good jobs.

Republicans want to cut taxes, not just on the rich as Democrats pretend, but on everybody, because that allows businesses to grow and expand, offer new products, and gives those who want to start businesses a little extra to do it with. And that is a very good thing. It allows people, the unemployed, to rise. The February Jobs report showed the economy’s payrolls soaring by 273,000 new jobs. And many more want to hire. Congress is talking about adding more visas for temporary workers. If the unemployed want jobs, they can probably get one. Average hourly earnings increased by 0.3%. Looks like a good climate for graduating seniors.

I think that because Democrats see themselves as morally superior, and the Republicans as lesser beings, giving stuff is seen as the way to garner votes. I think that people would rather have a good job than be given stuff, they want to provide for their families themselves, and they want to work hard and advance. And the gifts Democrats want to give people end up costing far more than was planned and everybody has to pay.

The “Green New Deal” Comes In At $94.4 Trillion! by The Elephant's Child

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, proponent of climate panic, has warned that we should not have children any more because global warming and the end of the earth in just 15 years. So she has introduced the “Green New Deal” to save us all, and the vast long list of Democrats who are lining up to run for the nomination to take on President Trump are mostly signing on to support it.

This is astonishing. It tells you clearly that not a single one of them thought it important to investigate to see if there really was any kind of dangerous rise in world temperatures, if the seas were actually rising, if climate change was really responsible for the forest fires in California, or the hurricanes in Florida. Well, it is not, but you have to search out some real information. How terrifying the possibility that we might have a president that had no interest in clear information.

Now we learn that the cost of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal would reach the unbelievable total of somewhere close to $94.4 Trillion, or over $600.000.00 per household in the United States. Ocasio-Cortez says you just pay it. This is the amount that the Democratic party wants to invest because the temperature of the lower troposphere has risen 25 100ths of one degree Centigrade over the last 40 years.

At a news conference in Brussels in early February 2015, Christiana Figueres*, who was the General Secretary of the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change admitted that the goal of  environmental activists was not to save the world from ecological calamity, but to destroy capitalism. She said:

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.

*Figueres is the one in blue at the far left of the picture.

Global Warming Is Creating Misery in the Upper Midwest by The Elephant's Child

Chicago and the upper Midwest are suffering under a cold wave. Top that off with power failures in Minnesota, and the media are reeling under assorted wind chill forecasts to find the scariest warnings. But they also somehow have to fit all that in with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim of global warming doom in only 12 years. That’s where it gets complicated.

In the middle of the cold wave, Ocasio-Cortez and Sen Ed. Markey are set to unveil legislation laying out a “Green New Deal” as soon as next week, according to Axios.

The Green New Deal is a set of vague, but broad progressive policy goals seeking to transform the economy in the name of fighting climate change. It has risen from obscurity to prominence since the November election, with Ocasio-Cortez, a rising progressive star, leading the charge. Democrats eyeing presidential runs — including Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris — are backing the general concept of the Green New Deal, which is sure to play a role in the 2020 primary.

They didn’t know the details but a draft legislative document circulating that describes the policy from O-C’s campaign website.

  • That document includes a goal of 100% renewable electricity within 10 years (up from 17% today), a federal jobs guarantee for people working in the low-carbon transition, and universal healthcare.
  • It’s light on details on how that would be funded and is also silent on whether the policy includes a price on carbon dioxide emissions, long considered central to climate change policy.

So perhaps it’s not too surprising that Democrats are urging their party to find someone, to primary AO-C before the next election. The party is not usually too excited to have green freshmen congresspeople proposing legislation and making speeches, and demanding attention. Kind of  basic manners. They are supposed to be silent and learn the ropes first.

So we are now supposed to blame icy cold on Global Warming, or something like that. Renewable energy comes from hydroelectric dams. Wind and solar simply cannot produce the energy that an industrial state requires. Wind does not blow at the optimum speed to produce energy steadily. It blows in wafts and puffs, and sometimes in destructive gales. Wind turbines kill thousands of birds. Solar energy is too diffuse to be of serious use, and there are clouds that move across the sky, or just hang there for days as we in the Northwest know. Scientists simply reject the claim that renewable energy would supply the power needed.

Dr. Lubos Motl: “The actual main purpose of this term,”polar vortex’, is for the journalists to sound credible and convey a thesis about the climate that is absolutely idiotic.”

The UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth rebukes fellow warmists on the polar vortex claims: “Frankly, it is a stretch to make that link…this is in a realm of weather – not climate.”

The climate has been warming and cooling for millions of years. The current slight rise in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has meant that the planet is greening and there is more food for hungry people. It has been a huge benefit to mankind, for carbon dioxide is a natural fertilizer for plants. The idea of carbon taxes is absurd, and those who have attempted to legislate such taxes have been promptly shut down.

For those who want to understand a little better, visit Dr. Roy Spencer’s website. He is the scientist who runs the satellite program that samples temperatures across the planet. You will find articles like” Global Warming 101″, and other helpful posts on the global warming background, as well as information about his latest book: Global Warming Skepticism for Busy People.

In the meantime, Bill Nye, (Science Guy) who is not a scientist, but has only an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, issued his latest warning: “The U.S. will have to grow its food in Canada. Agriculture in North America is going to have to move north.”

And the University of Wisconsin-Madison issued a new climate modelling study on January 28, 2019 that claims that ice fishing, hockey, skating and skiing on frozen lakes are endangered by “global warming” . The study states that such “iconic cold-weather past-times could become a rare winter treat” due to “global warming.” (Bad Timing!) So there you go.