American Elephants

Free Speech vs. Preferred Pronouns by The Elephant's Child

Well said. Attempting to make what is classified as a mental disorder called gender dysphoria into a casual choice is confusing a lot of parents, who don’t know where to turn. The Left carries things too far.

They hate President Trump, fear his accomplishments, and hope to defeat him with a web of identity politics. With luck they can make those confused parents be afraid of Trump, or find him too mean to win reelection in 2020. The current biggest evil is wrong-think, or offending fearful snowflakes. We had someone, local, I think, who ‘identified’ as a cat, domestic, I believe.  Had whiskers implanted. Dunno what happened.

I fail to understand why those who are confronted with an idea that they do not understand, fail to study up. Researching ideas is why we have computers. But we have somewhere around 24 Democrat presidential candidates spouting ideas that sound good, they think, but have never investigated at all. If they cannot take the time to study up, and know why they are supporting the policies they claim to favor, they should not be wasting our time. I call it doing your homework.

Our Colleges Are Teaching the Wrong Lessons by The Elephant's Child

Heather MacDonald warns that our colleges are breeding hate and intolerance on our college campuses, and it’s going to be bad for our society. On the Mark Levin show, she warns that students are taught to hate. The bureaucracy is teaching hate, and kids are learning that lesson. They have a delusional idea that they are victims of an oppressive society, and it is leading to a potential civil war.

Identity Politics Is A Huge Threat to Our Country by The Elephant's Child

I ran into this article on “Identity politics” and with all the terminology thrown around today, I realized I was not really sure what was meant by the term. so I looked it up. The formal definition is here. Powerline linked to a Heritage Foundation panel on the problem which I found completely fascinating. It’s  sharp look at what is going on in our world today, by several of the sharpest minds out there, who all consider this real problem but differently. Each of the panelists had 10 minutes, which they over ran, but the proposed time limit kept it shorter than it might have otherwise been. I think most of us are somewhat aware that we are hovering around the edges of a political civil war. It’s getting increasingly angry out there:

If you are going to solve a problem, you have to understand what it is first. There is a deep lack of understanding of ordinary human nature. Life is hard, you will make mistakes. You enjoy being with people who share your interests, whether it’s a knitting circle, or watching a football game. Selecting such a group is not prejudice against some other group or sexual identity. More women are apt to be interested in knitting, and more men are apt to care about a football game. Human nature.

Diversity Is Not Important. Merit Is. by The Elephant's Child

Heather MacDonald visits the “Diversity Debate” in her column today. The problem is apparently Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who “is being hammered for reportedly having rejected identity politics in favor of meritocracy. (Do read the whole thing, it’s short)

In the workplace we are supposed to ignore the knowledge and ability one brings to the job in favor of the color of one’s skin? Zinke is currently facing media criticism because he allegedly said that diversity is “not important,” and of course he absolutely correct. It is not.

(T)he Interior Secretary is being condemned for allegedly saying that he discounts racial categories in hiring, and prefers “having the right person for the right job.” This position, uncontroversial for decades, was the essence of Martin Luther King’s vision of a colorblind, merit-based society. Treating people the same way regardless of their race or sex used to be considered the definition of fairness; now it is understood to be vicious and intolerable.

We seem to be living in an era when the Left is seriously messing with our understanding of ordinary language and thought, and our minds.  Time to re-read 1984? The Constitution, written way back in the 1700’s, is outdated and needs the refreshing criticism of  a bunch of 17 year-olds who know better what it should say. Populism is supposed to be something bad, since it is the will of the people. Merit is undeserved. Only skin color matters, but is it trumped by ethnicity? Gender is a matter of your feelings at the moment. Citizenship is not only not important, but a question that should not be asked on the Census. The 12,000 gun-related homicides a year are heavily concentrated in inner- city neighborhoods that are afflicted with drugs, gangs and crime. There are serious  problems in the current understanding of the meaning of free speech. Universities have small designated spaces where one can go to practice free speech, which is not acceptable elsewhere.

If the tech companies want to know what ads I’d be most likely to be interested in, I’d be happy to answer a questionnaire, if they would stop monitoring my presence online.  And I have this odd idea that businesses have no business playing politics. If they want to financially support  a candidate privately, that’s their business. If they want to do politics then they should resign from business and do politics. But if they want to be political while asking customers to support them, they’ll be out of luck.

Clear Language Matters. Make Fine Distinctions, Insist on Free Speech and Clear Speech. by The Elephant's Child

The situation in Syria was not only an affront to international law, but a probe of sorts to test the new president of the United States. President Trump’s response was prompt and direct, but careful. It was not, as the Democrats try to claim, the start of a war, or a sign of the belligerence of an out-of-control administration. It was a very specific and limited missile strike against the specific airbase that had launched the Sarin Gas attack on Syrian rebels by their own administration. Because it was directed  so specifically, it announced that poison gas attacks were simply not acceptable, and this strike was a clear warning that we are a powerful nation and we are capable of much more. There will be no more statements of “red lines” that are not observed.

America means business. It was not, as has been claimed, an attack on Assad. The Russians and Syrians were warned, so there would be little or no loss of life. These distinctions are important. The free world approved.

Democrats are not good at distinctions. They are more comfortable with generalities. Hillary was interviewed by the New York Times Nicholas Kristof at the “Women in the World” summit. Kristof asked Hillary:

I have to ask fundamentally, a man who bragged about sexual assault won the election and won 53 percent of the white women’s vote. What does that say about the challenges that one faces in women’s empowerment, that in effect misogyny won with a lot of women voters?

In the first place, Trump did not brag about sexual assault. He spoke of women and celebrity and said that when you are a celebrity, some women will let you do anything you want to them.  He did not say that he had done anything.

Hillary immediately blamed everything on identity politics: misogynyshe lost because she is a woman. The country is just not ready for  the first woman president. Fine distinctions: Hillary ran for the presidency because she wanted to be the first woman president, not because there were things she wanted to do to improve the country or help Americans. That’s why her brief career in the Senate was marked only by a bill to name a post office, and her career as Secretary of State resulted only in Benghazi and a record amount of air travel miles. There were no accomplishments. The change was her gender. She promised to continue all the accomplishments of the Obama administration but to do it as a woman.

Nikki Haley, a woman, has made a real difference in her brief time as Ambassador to the United Nations. People are already suggesting that she can be the first woman president. She has demonstrated over and over competence, authority, determination, and things have shifted because of it.

In this strange new universe, a real-estate developer and reality-TV celebrity with no political experience whatsoever, obviously won the election because he is a man. Identity politics is the controlling theme. You can be decide your identity and your gender by your feelings of the moment, which, making fine distinctions — is clearly nuts.

The Left, in their drive for ever more control, believe that when they achieve full control,  they will fix human nature, so we are all more complacent and cooperative. Unfortunately human nature is immutable, unchanging and quite definitely unfixable.

Insist on fine distinctions. Don’t let them get away with sloppy thinking. Insist on free speech. Hold college and university authorities to task for allowing bad behavior to destroy the educational process. Speak out.

Surely you have noticed that what the Left advocates are abstractions. Social justice —there is no such thing. We have laws and courts, and they don’t do social justice. Equality —you can have equality under the law, but you can’t make people equal, some are smarter, some are more beautiful, some are stronger, some are older. Diversity—to the Left refers only to skin color, certainly not to diversity of ideas. Our values —one of Obama’s favorites, “that’s not who we are as Americans.”