American Elephants

Wait! You Have It All Backwards. Crime Comes Before Punishment. by The Elephant's Child

What I am failing to understand, and you probably are too, is that The House of Representatives of the United States Congress has it all backwards, and we’re letting them get away with it.

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has decided that the President of the United States must be impeached. They don’t like him. They remain furious that he won control of the government away from them, because they are morally superior. They care about the poor and unfortunate, the downtrodden, the frightened illegals, the homeless, the fugitives from climate change, and so on, and nasty Republicans just don’t.

They made a decision. Donald Trump is an illegal president and he must be impeached. The problem has been to find what it is that he must be impeached for. Classic example of cart before horse! Now that they have decided that he must be impeached, they have to find something that will qualify as an impeachable offense. Not what the founders had in mind. They thought that if a sitting president betrays his office, or betrays the country, Congress should be able to act to remove him from office. Article II, Section 4.

I am certainly not an attorney, but the House of Representatives clearly has it all backwards. They have decided that he must be impeached before the next election, so they are determinedly searching for the awful thing for which he must be impeached. Once they get rid of him then as the morally superior beings they by nature are, they will be back in full charge, and won’t have to bother with this phony booming economy and phony thriving business, and phony people getting off food stamps and especially the phony increase in the average family’s take-home pay. The problem is finding the charge that will accomplish all that. Has to be a biggie. Section 4 says clearly: The President, Vice President, and all Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

That’s why Nancy Pelosi came up with “Bribery” a couple of days ago. Couldn’t find any Treason that they could make stick, and the other high Crimes part was not very clear or specific, but “Bribery” sounded good. Adam Schiff is working desperately on that one. They can surely find a bribe somewhere in returning aid to Ukraine, can’t they?

I found this pertinent cartoon at Powerline in Steven Hayward’s Week in Pictures. Don’t know who devised it, but it is appropriate. If you are alternately appalled and annoyed by this impeachment inquiry, Don’t miss Victor Davis Hanson’s piece at National Review.