American Elephants

Questions Without Answers: Where and What is Reality? by The Elephant's Child


I don’t know if there has ever been a time when reality was so much in question. What’s true and what’s not.  The new federal climate report comes out and climate scientists call it “tripe”–”embarrassing” – “systematically flawed” and said the key claim comes from a study funded by Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg. The climate scientists who assume they can program the world’s climate into a computer and get accurate answers about what will happen in the next hundred years have too much faith in computers. (GIGO)

The nation’s farewell to President George Herbert Walker Bush was alternately a celebration of the life of a war hero and a patriot and a good man, and a rebuke to the current president, and the current president and Melania were rebuked by Hillary, but Jeb said the President couldn’t have been nicer.

In Britain, Brexit is damaging to the nation and the European Union, and alternately, it is necessary for Britain to get out from under the control of the European Union, and the migrants may be a huge problem or not at all.

In France, Prime Minister Macron wants a big carbon tax to lower their efforts to damage the climate, and the people don’t want any carbon taxes and don’t plan on having any. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it is inevitable that climate governance will create economic, social and racial justice. There will only be benefits, and no costs to passing a raft of new climate change laws. Others laugh at her.

Whatever the subject, opinion varies, which is normal, but opinion has become truth, and is not to be doubted. Google has been shown to be eliminating conservative truth and favoring their own leftist leanings. President Trump has said firmly that he is a nationalist, by which he means he loves his country and favors it. The President of France, Emmanuel Macron rebuked U.S. President Donald Trump for putting the interests of U.S. citizens above the demonstration of moral values, and said that nationalism is a bad thing.

The media in this country is conducting a war on President Trump, who they consider an illegal president to whom they are opposed, but clearly he is the legally elected and widely approved President of the United States. President Trump wants to build a wall on the Southern border to prevent the influx of illegal aliens. California has Sanctuary Cities and is, I believe, a sanctuary state.

Forest fires are caused by alternately poor forest management  or global warming, as stated by President Trump or California Governor Jerry Brown. We can determine the truth to the extent that we agree with one side or another, but over and over, there is no widely accepted truth.

This is the reality exposed by the technology giants, who are supposedly emanating only truth, and eliminating “hate speech”, but what is called “hate speech” depends on which voices attract the most valuable clicks. Hollywood celebrities, who have only the fact that we may recognize their faces or names to attest to the worth of what they say, are free to use all the “hate speech” they want because being celebrities they will have lots of followers, which means a lot of clicks for the website. So “Truth” is not what is approved by the websites that claim to be impartial judges of truth and falsehood, but the impartial judges lie as well.

Electoral Fraud is widespread, or simply does not exist. It is hardly surprising that so many are claiming that we are on the brink of a civil war. Truth is fiction, Animal Farm is real, and Maisie Hirono (D-HI) urges Democrats to consider “heart over mind. Don’t tell everybody how smart we are.”

The ceremonies for the mourning of a past president and the long, long lines of people waiting in the cold for a chance to pass by the catafalque suggested to many that President H.W. Bush was the last of the patricians, when everybody agreed on right and wrong and true and false. Of course they didn’t agree then, but the times have changed and we have organizations like Snopes and the SPLC, PoliFact, NewsBusters, the Media Research Center to tell us what is true and what is not, and they deliver falsehoods, and the atmosphere out there is far worse than it ever was.

The “Dreamers” Are Not What They Pretend To Be by The Elephant's Child

The “Dreamers” are much in the news. Now some 100 business leaders signed a letter in support of the DACA Dreamers insisting that Congress pass a law to protect them by January 18 or they will be causing U.S. companies a lot of disruption and expense. The letter was signed by a bevy of tech leaders like IBM CEO Ginni Rometty – who has been championing their cause, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

The letter claims that many are employed by businesses, but doesn’t go quite so far to claim that any are specifically employed by them.

Under DACA, nearly 800,000 illegal aliens were given temporary protected status and work permits to remain in the United States. A former USCIS manager of the agency’s investigative unit, Matt O’Brien suggested that the fraud rate for DACA us roughly 40 to 50 percent. Applicants lied on their applications and were rarely caught by USCIS officials. The Obama administration, Breitbart Texas reported, added 122,221 DACA recipients in just the last 3 months of the Obama administration.* Since DACA’s beginnings, more than 2,100 DACA recipients protected status was revoked for a felony or being involved in gang activity.

Over roughly 4o percent of the illegals shielded from deportation by an Obama-era temporary amnesty program have no education beyond high school, and have no plans to go to college. Another 21 percent have dropped out of high school.  73 percent of DACA recipients live in low-income households, and are more likely to compete for job with the working class. 54 percent  of native-born Hispanics access one or more of the welfare programs, and have poverty rates about twice as high as the general population. Heritage’s Daily Signal notes that according to the Congressional Budget Office, giving amnesty to the “Dreamers” would create a deficit of about $26 billion over 10 years.

There seems to be no evidence that most are in college or in the military. The terminology with which they are described—”Dreamers”, little innocent children brought here against their will, came from Democrat wordsmiths, and does not seem to match reality at all. Since they were illegals, there is no record of their age when they arrived, and we have only their claims. They were supposed to be under the age of 16 at the time they arrived, but many are clearly older than that.

I am very much pro-immigrant, but pro-legal immigrants. There are something over a million people who have gone through all the rigamarole necessary to apply for permission to immigrate to America, and they are patiently waiting their turn, which may take years. The DACA program was dreamed up by Democrats who believe that new immigrants are likely to be Democrat voters. I think that further, they are intended to be additional bodies for the next Census, because the Census does not count citizens, only bodies. And the numbers of bodies in a given state determine the Electoral College votes of a given state.

This bunch of businessmen, I suspect, have no personal knowledge of the DACA claimants, but are only impressed by the “compassionate” language that has been devised to describe them. I may be wrong on all counts, but I am very suspicious of Obama’s efforts to change the Electoral College or end it, and his efforts to change America into something more “diverse” and where everybody is equal, and stops getting rich when they have “enough money.”

The everybody is equal thing seems all too often to turn into Venezuela and Cuba.

* I realized I left off an important part of the sentence  and added “of the Obama administration.” My bad. I apologize for any false impression.