American Elephants

Peak Oil Nonsense, and Clean Energy Hooey. by The Elephant's Child
May 20, 2009, 9:29 pm
Filed under: Capitalism, Economy, Energy, Freedom, Science/Technology | Tags: , ,


Did you wonder where our oil comes from?  Here are the sources of all that “foreign oil” that is so often declaimed.  [ Click on the image to enlarge]

Aside from the (erroneous) belief that “global warming” is a threat to the life of the planet, there is a widely held belief that we have reached and passed “peak oil,” and it’s all downhill from here on out.  So we have no choice but to move to smaller, more efficient cars, hybrids, electric cars, alternate fuels and clean renewable energy.  “Sustainable” is the euphemism of choice.  And the Obama administration doesn’t like coal.

So-called “clean renewable energy” has nothing to do with transportation.  Wind and solar produce some electricity, but do not power automobiles. Peak oil advocates point to declining oil production in Mexico as a sign of an imminent global peak, but ignore indications that the Mexican government has been starving the national oil company of capital.  Many academics assume that once prices retreat that they will continue to decline, or conversely, ignore the effects of price controls, tax changes or other economic changes.

A new study by the energy consultancy IHS-CERA (formerly Cambridge Energy Associates) notes that in 2000, Canada’s oil sands produced just 600,000 barrels of oil a day, while today they produce 1.3 million barrels.  By 2030 they could be producing as much as 6 million barrels.  If we have not antagonized our neighbors too much, perhaps we can buy some of it.

Only a very minor role for alternative energy over the next three decades is predicted by any reputable major forecaster.  Fossil fuels will continue to be the source of our transportation energy. The United States government has removed more than 31 billion barrels of oil, 154 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 11 billion tons of coal from the market by laws that make it difficult if not impossible to prospect or produce energy on federal lands.  To keep our economy healthy and growing, we must have more oil.

But lawmakers in Congress have gone after our most important supplier with “buy American” provisions in the stimulus plan.  Officials have suggested perhaps Canada’s oil is too “dirty”, and would increase our “carbon footprint.” And Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, is suggesting that we need a wall and fences on our Northern border so that our Southern neighbors will not feel discriminated against.

I hope our friends to the North will forgive our foolishness when we are freezing to death in the dark.

2 Comments so far
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Your information is both correct and good. It is a shame that more people do not or can’t grasp that the good old Black Gold of the USA is the best!



Comment by Mervi

Thanks, Mervi. It is an enormous shame that the claptrap issued by the IPCC’s computer programs is taken by most of the world as gospel, when it has been so thoroughly disproved by observed science. And yet everything seems to revolve around or be caused by these false projections.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

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