American Elephants

The Surge is a Success — Democrats Are The Failure! by American Elephant

Nancy Pelosi Failure

Let’s take a short, but very important walk down memory lane:

In the run-up to the 2006 election, Democrats claimed it was time for a new strategy in Iraq. They refused to tell the American people what their new strategy would be, and then when they won, claimed the war was lost and that they had a mandate to pull the troops out of Iraq.

This despite the fact that President Bush had already announced a new strategy, which became known as the surge, and that Democrats had just unanimously confirmed General Petraeus who made his support for the surge central to his confirmation hearing.

Then, before the Surge troops had even all arrived in Iraq, Democrats declared it was a failure.

When General Petraeus was set to report to congress on the considerable success he had been having, first Nancy Pelosi refused to meet with him, then Democrats accused him of being a liar who was nothing but a mouthpiece for President Bush. one of Democrats most powerful special interest groups accused Petraeus of being a traitor to the country for daring to report the truth of the Surge’s success.

Remember that this November! The base of the Democratic party called General Petraeus a traitor to America because he refused to deliver them the defeat they so desperately lusted for for their own political gain!

When Democrats could no longer feasibly deny that the Surge was working, and working dramatically well, determined to secure defeat for their political gain, they again changed their defeatist propaganda. Now, they said, the troops have done a great job, but the Surge is still a failure because there has been no political progress.

One month ago Harry Reid claimed precisely that at almost exactly the same time the Iraqi Parliament passed one of the most contentious benchmarks, a de Ba’athification law allowing former members of Saddam’s ruling party to seek employment in the government.

Just eleven Days ago, Nancy Pelosi repeated her party’s talking point — again calling Iraq a failure. The problem is, she did so just one day after the announcement that one of al Qaeda’s top leaders has himself said that al Qaeda in Iraq has been devastated by the surge.

Now, just a few short days after San Fran Nan’s latest ejaculation of, “FAILURE!” the Iraqi Parliament has once again proved itself more able to compromise than the US Democrat party:

Within the last week the Iraqi parliament passed key laws having to do with provincial elections (the law devolves power to the local level in a decentralization system that is groundbreaking for the region), the distribution of resources, and amnesty. And those laws follow ones passed in recent months having to do with pensions, investment, and de-Ba’athification. [read more]

That is more progress and more compromise in one week than Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the bitterly partisan Democrats have shown since the war in Iraq began.

Saddam Hussein is dead and gone. Iraq is turning from an avowed enemy of the United States into a democracy and an ally of the United States. And while Democrats voted for the war, they have done everything in their power since to ensure it fails.

If President Bush had not stood up to them, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the power-hungry Democrats would have had us out of Iraq by now, almost ensuring the nation would once again become a tyranny, a danger to the region and the world, a stronghold of al Qaeda and an enemy of the United States.

But despite their best efforts to ensure just such a defeat for their political gain, the Surge is a Success! Democrats are the Failure!

Good News for Republicans by American Elephant
February 22, 2008, 2:20 am
Filed under: News, Politics | Tags: , , ,

Representative John Shadegg

Representative John Shadegg (R-AZ) has heard the pleas of conservatives. After announcing ten days ago that he would not seek re-election, Representative Shadegg was besieged with a campaign of letters, phone calls, emails, petitions and pleas, from colleagues, conservative leaders and constituents asking him to stay.

Powerline reports that Shadegg has now reconsidered and will run for re-election in the fall.

Shadegg is a solid conservative, a fighter, and a good man. His statement can be read here.