American Elephants

Happy Groundhog’s Day! by American Elephant
February 2, 2008, 5:18 pm
Filed under: History, Humor, News, Pop Culture | Tags: , , , ,

Punxsutawney Phil 

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (AP) – Brace yourself for more wintry weather. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Saturday, leading the groundhog to forecast six more weeks of winter.

The rodent was pulled from his stump by members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Inner Circle, top-hat- and tuxedo-wearing businessmen who carry out the tradition.

Each Feb. 2, thousands of people descend on Punxsutawney, a town of about 6,100 people some 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, to celebrate what had essentially been a German superstition.

The tradition is that if a hibernating animal sees a shadow on Feb. 2 – the Christian holiday of Candlemas – winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says spring will come early.

Punxsutawney Phil is not well known for his accuracy. On the other hand, his predictions have proved a great deal more accurate (not to mention being based on much sounder science) than those of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

What is happening to America? by American Elephant

Legislators in Mississippi have introduced a bill to forbid Restaurants from serving fat people. The State apparently now gets to decide how much you are allowed to weigh. (Full disclosure: I’m tall and skinny, but am outraged with how unabashedly government now steals our liberties.)

New York and other municipalities have banned trans-fats, banned smoking in private businesses, some are considering banning smoking in private cars. Califonia has introduced a bill to allow the State to control your home’s thermostat by remote! Democrats in congress have banned the common light bulb!

Democrats want to require that you must buy health insurance whether you want it or not. And believe me, if Democrats succeed in passing universal health care, trans-fat and restaurant laws will only be the beginning of an excruciatingly long list of attacks on your personal liberty in the name of “your best interests.”

In England the State decides if you will receive life-saving treatment or not.  If you want a life-saving treatment, but the odds are only moderate that it will work, you don’t have a choice! You aren’t allowed to have it. Now smokers and the obese will be denied treatment to cut costs and delay the complete failure of their socialist health-care system a short while longer.

And yet Americans are rushing headlong into accepting just such a system from demagogic Democrats rather than accepting the responsibility of understanding the problem.

When did Americans start accepting, even embracing, such government usurpation of their rights? You have a right to be fat! You have a right to be a couch potato! You have the right to turn up the heat when you get cold!

At least you once did.

What in Heaven’s name is happening to my country???

There and Back Again? by Emerald City Elephant
February 2, 2008, 1:36 pm
Filed under: Pop Culture | Tags: , , , ,

Looks like I will have to rent Pan’s Labyrinth:

Guillermo del Toro has officially signed up to direct The Hobbit, according to reports leaking out from a film premiere in France. The Pan’s Labyrinth creator will oversee a double-bill of films based on JRR Tolkien’s fantasy adventure, which paved the way for The Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson, director of the Oscar-winning Rings trilogy, will serve as executive producer. [read more]

I am not familiar with del Toro. Hopefully he won’t screw up as much as Peter Jackson did. Yes, there were things that Jackson did very well — but it may take years before I can reread the Lord of the Rings without picturing that insufferable wimp, Viggo Mortenson, as Aragorn, or Rivendell as a bad collector’s plate by Thomas Kincade, the “painter of light!” Ugh!

Nonetheless, I look forward to the Hobbit very much. As of now, it’s scheduled to come out in 2010. Now that the director has been signed, pre-production will begin right away.