American Elephants

9 out of 4,700 Retired Military Leaders Endorse Obama by American Elephant

Obama Plays Make Believe

Context is everything.

Yesterday, Barack Obama veered off his usual, platitudinous campaign theme of, “Believe!” and deep into the realm of make-believe.

Having served only one-half of one term in the senate (most of which he has spent on the campaign trail), the self-styled messianic candidate has been damaged by claims that he lacks the knowledge and experience necessary to be President and Commander in Chief.

Gee, do you think?

Seeking damage control, Obama held a carefully staged press-conference/photo-op from a museum in Chicago. I don’t know if rooms can have doppelgangers, but this one bore an uncanny resemblance to the East Room of the White House.

The staging was meticulous.

Surrounded by American flags and the flags of the military, atop a carpet of presidential blue, and from behind the closest approximation of the presidential lectern his stylists could jury-rig, Barack fielded questions and pointed his finger, looking very much the part.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I guess the more important question is how much inexperience does one make up for?

Obama then introduced nine retired military leaders who universally agreed that, even in the absence of any executive experience whatsoever, the neophyte senator has the judgment and temperament necessary for the most powerful job in the world.

By comparison, Hillary has 30 such retired military officers supporting her campaign, for a grand total of 39 between the two Democrat front-runners.

Americans should be interested to know then, that according to the best estimates, there are approximately 4,661 Retired Generals and Admirals who have for various reasons not endorsed either Hillary or Barack Obama. Or to put it another way, the Democrats have garnered the endorsements of 0.8% of retired military brass — the other 99.2 percent? Eh, not so much.

Not so impressive when you put it in context.

…oh, and as to the claims that Barack is qualified to be commander in chief solely because he opposed the Iraq war from the beginning? With all due respect Generals, so did these people…


Just as qualified as Barack Obama

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[…] a page directly from Barack Obama’s campaign playbook, ABC “News” traveled to Iraq and was able to find five soldiers who endorse Democrat […]


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To look at a population and assume that all those that haven’t taken a stance one way must therefore believe in the opposite is a logical fallacy. The only way to accurately compare them would be to find the number of military leaders of equivalent rank that endorse each of the two candidates. I do not know at this time how these numbers would stack up, but at least it would be intellectually honest.

It is also interesting that you link to a source that one would assume would support your arguement that these men have reasons NOT to support Obama. The reality is, your ‘source’ is two years old and relates to Donald Rumsfeld, not the current election.


Comment by Jeff

The reason I link to that piece, I would think is self-evident by the fact that I linked it to the statement, “Americans should be interested to know then, that according to the best estimates, there are approximately 4,661 Retired Generals and Admirals who have for various reasons not endorsed either Hillary or Barack Obama.”

It was to put the 9 retired military leaders who have endorsed Obama in perspective — which the “news” article fails to do — by showing how many retired generals there are. Nine retired military endorsements sounds and looks impressive — which is why Obama did it — but not so impressive when you know how very many retired military leaders there are.

And for the record, compared to the handful of military leaders who have endorsed Obama, 300 retired military leaders, including General Norman Schwarzkopf have endorsed John McCain.


Comment by American Elephant

[…] Long before any of which, he was already speaking from behind presidential placards in rooms rented for their resemblance to the East Room of the White […]


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[…] a lot of that going on these days, and those who publish pictures are completely aware of the possibilities of propaganda, and of subtly arranging what you will see to promote what they want you to think. Or perhaps you […]


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