American Elephants

Take that, Howard Dean! by The Elephant's Child
September 10, 2008, 8:17 pm
Filed under: Conservatism, Election 2008, Liberalism, Media Bias, Politics | Tags: , , ,

The Wall Street Journal today took a look at the claim that Sarah Palin’s qualifications to be Vice President are poor because she governs one of the least populated states, with a meager budget of “only” $12 billion and 16,000 full-time state employees.  But it turns out that the Governor’s office in Alaska is one of the nation’s most powerful.

For more than two decades Thad Beyle, a political scientist at the University of North Carolina, has maintained an index of “institutional  powers” in state offices.  He rates governorships on potential length of service, budgetary and appointment authority, veto power and other factors.  Mr. Beyle’s findings for 2008 rate Alaska at 4.1 on a scale of 5.  The national average is 3.5.

Only four other states — Maryland, New Jersey, New York and West Virginia — concentrate as much power in the Governor’s office as Alaska does, and only one state (Massachusetts) concentrates more.  California may be the nation’s most populous state, but its Governor rates as below-average (3.2) in executive authority.  This may account in part for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s poor legislative track record.  The lowest rating goes to Vermont (2.5) where the Governor (remember Howard Dean) is a figurehead compared to Mrs. Palin.

The Alaskan governor has line-item veto power over the budget and can only be overridden by a three-quarters majority in the Legislature.  Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, elected in 1992, had a state budget of $2 billion which was among the smallest in the country. Sarah Palin not only governs a lot of territory, but is an important executive.

The Obama people keep digging, and we will have to keep debunking.

Democrat Senator, Presidential Candidate, Mike Gravel, Praises Palin by American Elephant
September 10, 2008, 4:22 pm
Filed under: Election 2008, Liberalism, Media Bias, Politics | Tags: , ,

For all their praise of dissent, liberals sure don’t cotton it much. Given their crestfallen and incredulous response, one would think Mike Gravel had just told these two liberal radio hosts that Santa Claus won’t be coming this year. 

“But, but, but… isn’t it true, Senator Gravel, that Sarah Palin is an unqualified, ignorant, corrupt, buck-toothed hayseed?”

So, what does the former Democrat Senator and presidential candidate from Alaska have to say that upsets them so? That Sarah Palin is doing a great job as governor, has more executive experience than Obama, Biden and McCain combined, and that “Troopergate” is much ado about nothing that will come out in her favor anyway.

By my count, the female host tries to cut the interview short 3 times, as soon as she discovers Gravel won’t be telling her listeners what she wants them to hear.

As Allahpundit says, “pure comedic gold”.

(Hat tip: Hot Air)