American Elephants

The Content of Their Character by American Elephant
August 1, 2009, 5:16 am
Filed under: Conservatism, Politics, Progressivism | Tags: , , ,

A photographic tale of two presidents:

Obama Ignores Guest

And why is President “it’s not about me” relaxing in shirtsleeves while his guests are baking in coat and tie?

Doug Ross has another must-see comparison.

(h/t Don Surber)

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Any president could be photographed assisting the disabled visitor. Equally, any president could be photographed walking near someone else assisting the disabled visitor.

These photos do not demonstrate character, or the lack thereof. Except, perhaps, the character of those who would use such a means to judge the character of others.


Comment by The Center Square

Wrong. “Any” president could NOT be photographed assisting a disabled visitor. Obama could not, because he DID not. President Bush could because he DID.

Now, will the Obama White House rush out and find a disabled person to photograph Obama assisting? Probably at some point. The criticism over this event is very widespread, so they have likely heard it. Call it a “teachable moment.”

But the point is, when his disabled guest was navigating the stairs, the “stupid” cop was helping him, while Obama was oblivious to his guest’s needs and his attention was on the photographers.

Yes, that demonstrates poor character. As does excusing it.


Comment by American Elephant

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