American Elephants

Our Immigration Dilemma: Unsolved and Unsolveable. by The Elephant's Child

The Senate today passed the Hoeven-Corker amendment to the Immigration Bill. Pity. It manages to weaken what small amounts of security were already in the bill. I don’t understand why people who came here illegally are more important than American citizens or those who have applied through standard legal channels to immigrate, and are politely waiting their turns.

It’s not “amnesty” they tell us. There are “barriers” on the “path to citizenship” that they have to pass before they can get a work permit, or necessary papers, or look forward to getting a green card.  The barriers have no teeth, can be waived, or cancelled, The aim is to get them amnesty as quickly as possible. Then we get the next flow of illegal immigrants who will want amnesty in their turn.

At every turn, it has been made easier for officials to simply waive security requirements, the Secretary of HHS can simply decide that whatever fencing is built is enough. Or ignore the requirements for learning English, reduce fines, eliminate tests.  We have over 4 million people who have applied for visas, waited for years for their turn, and the illegals get immediate work permits, amnesty, and not much in the way of those steps they had to take to become legal.

Victor Davis Hanson has written extensively about immigration, particularly in his 2003 book Mexifornia. Hanson has lived among Mexican immigrants, legal and illegal, all of his life in California’s Central Valley.

Our immigration dilemma is a simple but apparently unsolvable calculus; Americans want the work they won’t do to be done cheaply by foreigners who, they wrongly assume, will inevitably transform themselves into Americans. In turn, the downtrodden Mexicans who come here and their elite advocates in America romanticize Mexico, a nation that brought them the misery they fled, while too often deprecating the place that alone gave them sanctuary. Everyone sees this — at least in the abstract — and can probably agree on the appropriate remedy: far less illegal immigration and a more measured policy of legal immigration, along with a stronger mandate for assimilation. But caught in a paralysis of timidity and dishonesty, we still cannot enact the necessary plans for a workable solution. To do so after all, entails confronting a truth that is painful and might displease thousands who have grown comfortable with the present chaos. Who wants to be called an isolationist or a nativist by the corporate Right, and a racist or a bigot by the multicultural Left?

A ten-year-old statement, and nothing has changed, nothing at all, except it’s all worse.

Headline of the Day. by The Elephant's Child

Today’s Headline: Aol

Tim Bartlett Chased by Wolf on Motorcycle in Canadar-WOLF-RUNNING-large570

If you had visions of someone named Tim running, screaming,  down the highway hotly pursued by a wolf riding a motorcycle., Nevermind.  I just thought it was funny.

The EEOC Applies For Position on the Agencies to Be Abolished List. by The Elephant's Child

Soft tyranny. What do you call it when your world is being transformed by political correctness, diversity, sustainability— all those meaningless words that provide political cover for accusations of racism, sexism, exclusion, discrimination, judgmentalism, and of course that amorphous fairness.

We have kindergarteners suspended from school for pointing “finger guns” and saying ‘pow!’ Little children questioned by the police for offenses such as bringing a one inch GI Joe gun to school, or biting a pop tart into the shape of a gun (or the state of Idaho). A high-school student is threatened with a year in jail for wearing an NRA tee shirt. This is not “zero tolerance of guns” to protect our children. It’s a sickness. Anyone who is unable to tell the difference between a “finger gun” and a Glock needs some serious psychiatric  help.

What roused my ire in particular is lawsuits filed by the federal government’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against Dollar General and a BMW facility in South Carolina for the alleged unfair use of criminal background checks for job applicants.

The EEOC last year issued new guidelines that cautioned businesses against rejecting minority applicants who have committed a crime and recommended that businesses eliminate any policies that “exclude people from employment based on a criminal record.” Such screening, you see, might discriminate against African Americans. How about such screening discriminating against people who might commit a crime? So don’t do any background checks, just cross your fingers and hope for the best.

However, the update was issued out of concern that employers might disproportionately exclude minorities from getting hired because more African Americans and Hispanics are getting arrested and going to prison, according to the guideline report.

While the percentage of working-age Americans with a criminal record has increased significantly over the past 20 years, African Americans and Hispanics are arrested two to three times as much compared with the rest of the U.S. population, according to a commission report at the time of the vote.

I’m not sure that you can legislate fairness. That won’t keep them from trying.