American Elephants

Our Northern Border is More Complicated Than You Thought! by The Elephant's Child

With a new Immigration Bill being battled in Congress, we’re hearing a lot about the southern border and all its problems, but we don’t hear as much about our northern border. It too is a long border, but with some surprising history and  odd facts. That straight line you see on maps is not quite as simple as it looks.

Borders are complicated. We had wars over our southern border which we won, and some Mexicans want a do-over. That’s not the way it works. We had several wars over our northern border, our Revolution, the War of 1812, and don’t forget the Pig War  and 54-40 or Fight!  If you don’t know that history, you’ll have to look it up. This is a fun video.

(h/t Vanderleun)

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