American Elephants

Political Correctness is Not A Laughing Matter! by The Elephant's Child


Mark Steyn is always right on top of his game with a cogent observation that skewers the hypocrisy, or political correctness, or pointed observation that sheds a brilliant light on the events of the day.

Today he pointed out that the “court-martial of Major Nidal Hasan is taking longer than World War II.”

On Dec. 7, 1941, the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked. Three years, eight months and eight days later, the Japanese surrendered. These days, America’s military moves at a more leisurely pace. On Nov. 5, 2009, another U.S. base, Fort Hood, was attacked — by one man standing on a table, screaming “Allahu akbar!” and opening fire. Three years, nine months and one day later, his court-martial finally got underway.

Do read the whole thing. This is a strange and disturbing episode in the history of the United States Military. Michael Ramirez captures the essence in another of his superb political cartoons. (click to enlarge)

We are apparently to have a military stripped of most of its effectiveness and weakened by budget cuts so the president can have more money to spend on infrastructure (?) compulsive political correctness, leftist notions that war is not nice, and a remarkable unconcern for the well-being of the troops who stand ready to protect the rest of us. Actions speak louder than words. The president always has words; sometimes they have meaning. His actions demonstrate the real agenda.

Scandal? What Scandal? They Are STILL Targeting the Tea Party! by The Elephant's Child

Have you been following the IRS Scandal? This is Day 92 on the TaxProfBlog, as he keeps up with the emerging details of a scandal that gets deeper with each revelation. After 92 days, you would think we were nearing bottom, but we’re not even close. Today we learn that in spite of the publicity, in spite of the hearings and the outrage of the American People, They are still targeting Tea Party Groups.

In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups, three months after the IRS scandal erupted.

In closed door testimony before the House Ways & Means Committee, the unidentified IRS agent said requests for special tax status from Tea Party groups is being forced into a special “secondary screening” because the agency has yet to come up with new guidance on how to judge the tax status of the groups.

He would send it for a special “secondary screening, political advocacy” based “on his current manager’s direction.”

From 2010 –2012  from 2010–2012, Tea Party groups faced special scrutiny from the president’s IRS. Agents use a “be on the lookout,” or BOLO list, which said groups with words like Tea Party, Patriot, Freedom, that sort of thing should face special secondary screening for political activities that might hamper their special tax status.

When the scandal erupted, Obama fired the head of the unit, Steven Miller, who was due to retire in a few days anyway, and appointed Danny Werfel as temporary head. Mr. Werfel testified that the BOLO list had been suspended.  That was six weeks ago.

Republicans may be a bit mystified about the outrageous treatment of Tea Party groups, for they know them as nice, ordinary people who don’t much like ObamaCare, and are concerned about unemployment and the disastrously slow recovery, and decided to get politically active. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, offers a little different perspective.  In an interview today on KNPR, he compared the tea party to the 20th century anarchist movement.

“Who is the tea party? Well, understand, when I was in school, I studied government, among other things, and prior to World War I and after World War I we had the anarchists,” Reid began. “Now they were violent — you know, some say that’s what started World War I, the anarchy moment — but they were violent. They did damage to property and they did physical damage to people.”

“The modern anarchists don’t do that — that’s the tea party,” Reid clarified. “But they have the same philosophy as the early anarchists: They do not believe in government. Anytime anything bad happens to government, that’s a victory to them. And that’s what’s happened. We have absolute gridlock created by a group of people who represent few Americans. But it makes it extremely difficult to get things done.”

Can  he possibly believe that? Or is that just stuff Democrats say. I never thought Mr. Reid was particularly bright, but this seems delusional. This is not the first time he has compared the tea party and anarchists. In April he made similar comments speaking on the floor of the Senate.