American Elephants

Free Speech vs. Preferred Pronouns by The Elephant's Child

Well said. Attempting to make what is classified as a mental disorder called gender dysphoria into a casual choice is confusing a lot of parents, who don’t know where to turn. The Left carries things too far.

They hate President Trump, fear his accomplishments, and hope to defeat him with a web of identity politics. With luck they can make those confused parents be afraid of Trump, or find him too mean to win reelection in 2020. The current biggest evil is wrong-think, or offending fearful snowflakes. We had someone, local, I think, who ‘identified’ as a cat, domestic, I believe.  Had whiskers implanted. Dunno what happened.

I fail to understand why those who are confronted with an idea that they do not understand, fail to study up. Researching ideas is why we have computers. But we have somewhere around 24 Democrat presidential candidates spouting ideas that sound good, they think, but have never investigated at all. If they cannot take the time to study up, and know why they are supporting the policies they claim to favor, they should not be wasting our time. I call it doing your homework.