American Elephants

The Usual Argument Over Just Who Is Responsible by The Elephant's Child

The State of Alabama has passed a law limiting the right to an abortion, and Hollywood and feminists have erupted in fury. Nobody is talking sense, nor seems to have any understanding of the real issues. The issue is “a woman’s right to choose.” The problem is that the urge to get an abortion is mostly the result of a significant number of unfortunate choices.

Many feminists have long resented the ability of horny men to satisfy their urges without consequences, and cannot accept the fact that the female of the species is required by nature to be responsible. Modern society has provided all sorts of assistance, but if one ignores the availability of help – it seems a little crass to expect society to bail you out.

Many people believe that what a pregnancy produces is a new human being. Others believe it is merely a clump of cells of no particular value. This is not a resolvable problem. Casting aspersions on the religion of one side or the lack thereof of the other is distinctly unhelpful. Before Alabama passed their law, the Governor of Virginia was talking about letting the mother and her doctor decide whether to care for it or kill it, which after being born – becomes plain old murder.

There are significant women who find themselves unable to conceive, and desperately want to adopt. With more women working, our national birthrate has dropped far below the replacement rate. Do we force women back to the kitchen? Or import babies from countries with too big a birthrate – a Hollywood fad for a while.

It would seem it should be possible for good-hearted people to find a solution if they can examine the facts dispassionately, but then, quite possibly not. We could start by pointing out that Mother Nature demands that the female of the species  be responsible.