American Elephants

Snow for Christmas? by The Elephant's Child
December 21, 2022, 10:22 pm
Filed under: Politics

We had a little snow in the Seattle area, and I do mean “little”. Maybe 1/4 of an inch has remained on leaves to give the vague impression that this is indeed “winter” but that’s as much celebration as we can get. Any streets slick? Not that I can tell from my house. Very quiet outdoors. Two houses on the lane just below my house have Christmas lights around their roofs. In past years, houses on the other side of the golf course down below, had lights, but hardly anyone has bothered this year as far as I can tell. Traffic down on the East-West “main drag” at the bottom of the hill seems very light, Perhaps everybody has gone to a party to which I was not invited. Just seems unusually quiet.

Trying to get things shipped properly to the recipients is a colossal pain. There is no uniformity to the things one has to fill out, which might make it a little simpler. They promise, and you just cross your fingers and hope they’re not lying to you again. And when one lives on a hill, there is always at this time of year, a lack of knowledge about what the streets are like.