American Elephants

Wishing You All A White Christmas! by The Elephant's Child
December 24, 2022, 4:41 pm
Filed under: Politics

Here in a Seattle suburb, it rained last night, and wiped out any signs of a “White Christmas”. No snowy roofs, trees, only some small traces in spots that are not receiving any rain. Some branches that are not exposed to the rain are still white, but not for long, and not pretty anyway. The sky is a uniform blah, no particular color. Still seeing bright twinkling lights far off to the South. I’m assuming that’s more a sign that I need to make an appointment with my eye doctor, than anything perfectly normal going on out there, but I really have no idea. I guess one could call it a mild drizzle, but that’s probably a bit of a glorification.

Since it has rained enough to dispose of any remnants of a brief snowy Christmas, there is not a sign remaining that it ever snowed. I do have a bit of a hard time without snow at Christmas, because that is what I was accustomed to all my life, as well as a fabulous sledding hill. I still cling to my Flexible Flyer, though I haven’t been able to use it for years. I live on a dandy hill, with the potential for extending the ride from my steep hill on down to the park in a good year. Been a long time since we had enough snow to actually use the sled. But it was worse in California and Arizona with not enough snow for anything whatsoever, even looking pretty. I lived in California too many years and learned to genially loathe the state. Usually very bad governance, and in recent years obsessed with a “high speed railroad” between San Francisco and Los Angeles, though I can nicely get along without ever visiting either city.

One spell in southern California, we lived a very short distance from what became Disneyland, and I was able to take an aunt to the newly opened Disneyland. We rode on the newly opened railroad, and visited the newest attractions. Not spectacular as way too much was unfinished. It was enough however to satisfy any curiosity about Disneyland and any future need to visit. Not a fan. I really miss the snowy Christmases in Idaho though, and our own sledding hill. One year we even had our own ice pond in the river for ice skating, though we didn’t care enough about skating to do it every year. A farmer down by our nearest town had a pond that served to satisfy any local urge for ice skating, and it was lovely with a big bonfire on a beautiful winter night, and half the population turned out.

Could easily drive up to the pass to see the snow, but one wants to wake up an look out the window to see how much snow has fallen and plan for the coming sled runs. Our own hill was perfect, short enough to walk up towing a sled, steep enough to extend the run for a long distance. We went for spectacular snowmen too, Presidents and famous figures. Good snow is a very good sculptural material, and we were skilled enough to get some pretty good representations — at least we thought so. George and Martha Washington and Abe Lincoln were clearly recognizable.

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