American Elephants

The American Food Supply! by The Elephant's Child
December 31, 2022, 5:01 pm
Filed under: Politics

Last day of a singularly unremarkable year. Russia and Ukraine at war, a confusing conflict over who is going to be in charge of what. Ukraine is noted as the ‘breadbasket’ of Europe, which causes other countries some concern. The press, always looking for a juicy story, got somewhat carried away with threats of food shortages and hunger, but that has dwindled away.The folks who are selling long term cans of food for 25 years or so, are advertising like mad, but I don’t know how many people are falling for their pitch.

America has the most opulent supply of plentiful food in their ordinary grocery stores of probably any country in the world, so it’s pretty hard to scare people. I assume that most people have a good supply in their pantries, and few have to rely on a few cans saved for security. I have no idea. I grew up 9 miles from the nearest grocery store, with highways that were sometimes impassable in the winter, so being prepared comes naturally. We never had a food garden. Here, suburban housewives usually grow some specific things like tomatoes. Some have more complete food gardens, as you can see from the offerings in the food sections of Home Depot and other similar stores.

I’ve never stopped to analyze just how many days we could get through without more groceries, but it’s weeks rather than days, and it’s not like the nearest grocery store was 9 miles away today. This is a Seattle suburb! A lot of people still live a long way away from a grocery store. But a lot of people still do a lot of canning, sometimes because they have a productive garden. Some communities feature farm garden sales in town in the summer, The American food supply is opulent and inviting.

Apartment people have different problems, but most suburbs here have farm sales once a week somewhere in town. Don’t know if that is common across the country.

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