American Elephants

Bill Whittle: The Incredible Shrinking Man by The Elephant's Child
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Ouch! (But for the most part, fair.)

I still don’t understand why U.S. Conservatve commentators always feel as if the have to put down Europeans. U.S. couch potatoes get off the couch? Let’s hope. But the behavior of European voters has hardly been as homogenous or timid in all cases. Nobody was as radical in turning around a floundering country as Margret Thatcher. The Germans, the Danes, the Dutch, the Estonians, the Poles, have also tightened their belts considerably. Unfortunately, in its expansionist quest, the EU (by which I mean its constituent Member States, not the Commission) allowed themselves to underwrite several frat-party economies in the south (among which, of course, one that uses Greek letters), and now — responsible parents that they are — they are struggling to figure out how to make those kids pay them back without them bolting or commiting suicide.


Comment by Subsidy Eye

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