American Elephants

Socialism is Being Played Out in The News. Do Try to Pay Attention. by The Elephant's Child

101002-mall-libs7In the latest news from our socialist neighbor to the south, Venezuela, so broke that they cannot even sell their oil because they can’t afford to ship it. Now, starving Venezuelans are eating cats, dogs, donkeys and even pink flamingos in an effort to survive. They are even killing giant anteaters for food.  This is sheer desperation caused by rampant inflation and chronic shortages that have plagued the country for over two years.

Here’s everything you need to know about Venezuela’s experiment with socialism. When socialist dictator Hugo Chavez died in 2013, he left an estate valued at two billion dollars.

What? You Mean Rioting Is Against the Law? by The Elephant's Child

dc-riotsNBC News has reported that 209 Inauguration Day rioters have so far been indicted for felony rioting charges. They will face a fine of up to $25,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison. 230 people were arrested during President Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20, but several cases have been dismissed.

Federal investigators were still going over hundreds of hours of video, some of it captured by undercover Washington D.C. police officers during the riots and protests, and many still photos. D.C. officers wore body cameras while on duty at the protests. Defense attorneys for the rioters have said that many of their clients are college students who live outside of Washington D.C., Maryland or Virginia. Poor victims, of course.  Who Knew? There are Consequences for Bad Behavior.