American Elephants

The Coming Religious Wars by The Elephant's Child

ap_16313812863044-sized-770x415xt“Progressivism is not a political doctrine, it is a religious doctrine.” That quote was from Paul A. Rahe, Historian and author. and professor at Hillsdale College, but I’ve seen the same theme widely expressed today. And they are right. You have to believe. They see themselves as pursuing a great good where everyone will agree and there will be peace, and harmony when they are able to put all their wondrous ideas in place and are fully in charge.

It’s clearly an authoritarian state they’re after, but when they finally get all of us whipped into shape, they won’t need to be so authoritarian anymore. If you think communism or socialism, you’re not too far off—though they would undoubtedly deny it. It’s just that they really don’t like human nature, which clearly needs improvement. They are not all that much for freedom, either, because people get to thinking that they can disagree and not do what they are told.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a conservative suggest putting the Leftists into camps, but they come up with that idea for us quite regularly. They just hate disagreement. Partly because they are so sure they are right and partly because they don’t have good responses to good economic ideas and good evidence from the right.

Just think about the simple subject of energy. Our country runs on so-called fossil fuels—natural gas, petroleum, coal. They want it to run on cheap, free wind and solar energy from the sun which are unable to supply a significant amount of energy due to their own intrinsic failings.

Wind only blows sometimes, not all the time. And it doesn’t blow a lot in the places where it is needed, and the wind may be free but the land and the giant wind turbines and the power plants to convert wind to electricity and the power lines are not cheap. It delivers only a minuscule portion of our energy needs. Solar energy is too diffuse to be effective, the sun sinks beneath the horizon at night, and there is the problem of clouds. Nuclear energy is effective and cheap, but way too scary for the left. You see, it is a religious faith.

The Left is meant to be in charge. Hillary was going to extend the reign of the Left for another 8 years. They were not just confident, but found the idea of Donald Trump laughable, and he made fools of them. The election was clearly unfair. Popular vote. Electoral college. Russian interference. How dare they suggest there was vote fraud. (Because it has been well documented for years? )

Democrats lost 63 House seats, 11 Senate seats, 947 State lawmakers and 13 Governors. They haven’t really absorbed it yet. Their initial response is to try to bring down Donald Trump. They have brought down presidents before—Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, they didn’t get George W. Bush out, but they demonized him so much that people began to think that he was a failure as a president. Somebody remarked that our military deaths were back in the headlines for the first time since G.W.Bush, and it’s true. This is a concerted attack on Donald Trump, talking points distributed and the Democrats have marshaled their forces and gone to work.

Here’s one of the funnier examples from Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: She declared that “her party, the Democratic Party, does the will of God, while Republicans dishonor their Creator.” And the blog from SFGATE (The Chronicle) ran a piece titled “Week One of Go to Hell, America: the Trumpocalyse so far, in a grotesque – and rather terrifying nutshell.” It only took 10 days for Obama to start criticizing his successor, and after he promised too. Hillary is going to write a book about how she lost the election and will go on a national speaking tour. Will she draw huge audiences, or does she just not realize that it’s over. Even the majority of white women, 57%, voted for Trump, and only 42% for Hillary. But it is their religion, and they don’t give up.