American Elephants

Slowly, Slowly, the Truth is Coming Out by The Elephant's Child

The more one reviews accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, the worse it gets — as I expressed in the previous post. There’s the little girl “up-talk”— the last syllable at the end of a sentence goes higher in tone. It’s another little girl thing. She’s just so unsure, she needs help to recall, doesn’t name anyone who can verify her memories.

I cannot imagine how anyone who talks like that could be a professor at a university and at Stanford Medical School. Nobody would take her seriously. Yet she seems so wounded, that it’s easy for viewers to take her defenseless little girl pose as the plaintive plea of a wronged woman, and assume that she is credible.

She pretends that she doesn’t understand the questions, needing more time to reply. When we first heard from her, she didn’t really know who it was, only that someone got on top of her and put his hand over her mouth. Then she was suddenly absolutely clear that it was Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge.  All four of her confirming witnesses did not confirm her story. At Breitbart, John Nolte explores the veracity of her testimony with devastating results.

Christina Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that she began having memories of her abuse returned when she and her husband put, at her demand, a second front door on their house. She said she had never told anyone about anything until May 2012 when she went to couples counseling.

In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail. I recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the U.S. Supreme Court, and spoke a bit about his background at an elitist all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland. My husband recalls that I named my attacker as Brett Kavanaugh.

The second front door was already installed by March 2011, perhaps earlier,  and apparently installed as a door to an office where she had a private business called The Couples Resource Center.

According to information found on the Internet, a business was located at the exact same address as the Ford house (please note that the address of this house was released on the Internet weeks ago). The Couples Resource Center was located at the exact same location as the Ford’s home.

Michael Walsh takes on the profession of journalism as it relates to Ford, and the media does not come off well.

Victor Davis Hanson summed it all up nicely in a single paragraph:

The “process” of memorializing Ford’s testimony involved a strange inversion of constitutional norms: The idea of a statute of limitations is ossified; hearsay is legitimate testimony; inexact and contradictory recall is proof of trauma, and therefore of validity; the burden of proof is on the accused, not the accuser; detail and evidence are subordinated to assumed sincerity; proof that one later relates an allegation to another is considered proof that the assault actually occurred in the manner alleged; motive is largely irrelevant; the accuser establishes the guidelines of the state’s investigation of the allegations; and the individual allegation gains credence by cosmic resonance with all other such similar allegations.

The descriptions of the house, what one can hear of people going up and downstairs , she contradicts herself. Supposedly her friend Leland drove her home, but Leland denies the whole thing, says she never encountered Kavanaugh at all, and has no knowledge of the party. Ford reports proudly of her polygraph, (her lawyers made her do it) and neither the lawyers nor herself as a practicing psychologist should be unaware of the limitations of polygraphs.

And at Powerline, John Hinderaker comments on the smear:

Brett Kavanaugh enjoys one of the most spotless reputations of anyone in American public life. He has been enthusiastically endorsed by those who have known him all his life–by girls he knew in high school and college, by judges he has served with, by professors and students and Harvard and Yale law schools, by judges who have worked with him, by his judicial clerks–most of whom have been women–by the American Bar Association, by sitting Supreme Court justices. In short, everyone who has ever known or dealt with Brett Kavanaugh endorses him.

I think that Judge Kavanaugh’s pristine reputation is one reason why the Democrats have unleashed against him a smear campaign unparalleled in American history. This is the message they are trying to send: If we can do this to the Boy Scout Brett Kavanaugh, we can do it to anyone. Are you thinking of serving in a Republican administration? Or accepting an appointment to the federal judiciary from a Republican president? Think twice, and then think again.

Nope, I don’t believe a word of it, including her claim that she was sexually abused. Her story just falls apart.

Christine Blasey Ford’s Interview Explained by The Elephant's Child

A body language expert considers Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony. I noticed some of these oddities. I know nothing about the body language expert. This is a woman who teaches at the graduate level in a university and at the Stanford University medical school — and she sounds like a little girl. She reads her testimony, very prepared. I would assume that  someone in this position would like to sound strong and confident. This is a whiny little girl, so afraid. Is that the chosen mode of testimony. This is carefully written, all feelings, all practiced.

She says her friend Leland drove her home, yet Leland states under oath, that she has never met Brett Kavanaugh, has no information about such a party. Two front doors? Really?  What is that supposed to do? Is this hairdo new?

Rachel Mitchell is an experienced and expert sex crimes prosecutor from Maricopa County,  Arizona. The Committee wanted someone experienced, and she came highly recommended. She is certainly good at drawing the person she is questioning out, in a kindly manner. I was impressed with the body language expert, probably because she confirmed what I had been thinking.

Does this change your mind? Or reinforce what you had been thinking anyway? Ford said previously that she didn’t really know who the men were, she couldn’t remember anything about it except that she was very frightened, and that she was groped.  A strange episode to produce women activists screaming about believing”the survivor”, and attacking poor Jeff Flake and frightening him. Seems like the Democrats have overplayed this whole thing, doesn’t it?

There is no crime here, just slurs and insinuations about a man’s character and history, that is hugely damaging to Judge Kavanaugh and his family, that serves only the Democrats wish to destroy the Supreme Court and the Constitution that they neither respect nor understand in their greed and drive for control of our society. Charles Schumer said he would do anything and everything to keep Judge Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court. This to probably the most qualified jurist who has ever been nominated.

No One Shot in Chicago in a 22-Hour Span. by The Elephant's Child

That this statistic is considered major news says something important about America. I’m just not quite sure what it does say, but it is very, very sad.

CHICAGO (Sun-Times Media Wire) – Two people were wounded in shootings within 24 hours Friday as colder temperatures moved through Chicago. In a 22-hour span, between 12:30 a.m. and 11 p.m., no one was wounded by gunfire.

Here is the short text from the Sun-Times Media Wire:

The Elevator Encounter Drama by The Elephant's Child

Democrats are congratulating themselves for their success in putting a bunch of activists in the elevator with Jeff Flake screaming about rape and coverups and women being attacked and the whole litany of Kavanaugh abuse. It got Jeff Flake in a panic and hence the delay and the new FBI investigation.

Their trick worked, so they are urging activists to get out there and get in their faces, etcetera. Right out of Maxine Water’s playbook. The uncertain or confused or wafflers can expect to be singled out, as can anyone else who shows interest in  or tolerance for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. “You look at me when I’m talking to you” one yelled.

(Remember those two men who called to say it was probably them, not Kavanaugh and offered  confirming information). We will probably never hear about them again.

The chant seems to be “We Believe Survivors” but Christine Blasey Ford is not a survivor, nor was she raped. Her complaint was that aside from not being able to remember quite where she was and with whom, the man put his hand over her mouth and groped her, and she was afraid he was going to kill her. There is no evidence that that person was Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and until there is such evidence, he must by law (and one would think—common decency) refrain from assuming guilt. That is the law in this country.

The Kavanaugh Affair Winds On and On by The Elephant's Child

Last night I was left expecting that the committee would vote today and the matter would be voted on tomorrow by the full senate.  Stayed up too late and got up too late. We have worried Republican senators, so Jeff Flake  has decided that we need another FBI investigation. What has astounded me over this whole disgusting process is the extent to which Senators serving in the Senate of the United States are missing basic information. How about “innocent until proven guilty”— the basis of all our entire legal system.

Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser, first attempted delay after delay. She had a real fear of flying, it was going to be hard for her. Grassley offered to come out to California to interview her. He gave her a deadline. She flew. It was learned that she has flown all over the world, frequently to Hawaii. The object was apparently not to avoid flying, but to delay. Democrats are desperately trying to delay beyond the possibility of confirmation. Senator Feinstein has a lot to answer for. She had the letter accusing Kavanaugh since July, and held it until it was leaked that she had it, something like 60 days later. Senator Feinstein connected Ford with a good Democrat lawyer.

When Ford appeared for the hearing, with her new lawyer, she was treated with deference, called Dr. Ford.  People said she was convincing. I’m not so sure. She spoke in a little-girl voice, trembling and said she was “terrified.” Then asked for a cup of coffee. The sexual attack seems to be entirely some groping, and a hand over her mouth. She was sure, she said, that she was going to be killed. She told no one until she told a therapist when she went for counseling with her husband years later. She did not tell the therapist that it was Judge Kavanaugh who attacked her. The four people who were supposedly at the same party, had no memory of such an event. She did not know where the party was, nor whose house it was, nor how she got home—some 8 miles away. She seems to have decided, only when Judge Kavanaugh was nominated, that he was the attacker. She never told anyone about being attacked until she spoke to the therapist, at which point she didn’t know it was Kavanaugh. But, we are told, she was very credible.

Brett Kavanaugh has been thoroughly investigated by the FBI 6 times. Christine Blasey Ford has never been investigated at all, as far as we know. Nothing whatsoever about  any of her claims has confirmation from any of the people who were supposed to confirm it. The experienced Arizona sex crimes prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, told Republican senators in a conference meeting that she would not charge Kavanaugh based on evidence from both parties and would not pursue a search warrant for the judge, which would require the standard of probable cause to be met. Ford recounted her “100 percent ” certainty that President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court had sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers. Brett Kavanaugh testified he was “100 percent certain” that he did no such thing.

Two men have contacted the Judicial Committee to say that they did it, not Kavanaugh. One of the men described the event in the summer of 1982 in some detail. Have you heard more about that? Me neither.

The FBI investigates, but they do not reach conclusions. Conclusions are to be reached by those for whom they have looked for evidence. Polygraphs, which Ford announced that she had, are meaningless. They measure things like sweating or trembling from extreme stress, and are essentially junk science.

Democrats are pulling out all the stops, urging their activists to protest, disrupt, attack. Even the Sierra Club is rounding up their activists to protest. Tee shirts have been printed, signs have been printed. From the talk in the media, the FBI investigation is to be once again of Judge Kavanaugh. Is no one investigating Christine Ford?

Michelle Obama is out around the country urging everyone to get registered to vote. The suggestion that the deranged Democrats are pushing for a civil war to return them to power suddenly seems  somewhat more possible. The Hollywood “celebrities” are out offering us all their wise and well-considered opinions vulgar inanities. Cannot someone shut these media hogs up? I’ve given up on movies. I’m tired of spectacular car crashes, and even more tired of the “celebrities.”

The activists who are out demonstrating, the ones who break into the Senate Chamber, are reportedly paid to do so. Being a little short of things to scream about, they of course make it a racist event, with Kavanaugh as a rich young  white man. That Ford was a rich young white woman is not mentioned.

This has gone far beyond what we consider normality. Where it is going, I don’t know, but I’m worried. You probably are as well.

Hearings in Retrospect, Vote Tomorrow. by The Elephant's Child

I have long had a feeling that the Democrats were somehow missing big chunks of history. They don’t seem to understand economics, in the sense of knowing what economics is. It’s simply the buying and selling and exchange of goods and services, and that information about what people are actually doing with their money and their trade gives us information unsullied by opinion and emotion and politics. In other words, it’s real information.

Democrats’ economics is all cluttered up with “feelings”. They are opposed to Big business, CEOs. the rich. They are sure that’s where all the conservative tax cuts go, because they didn’t quite grasp the percentages part of basic math. Nancy Pelosi has said so firmly. Trump’s tax cuts are bad because they all go to the rich and big business—and as soon as the Democrats get back in power, they will cancel all the tax cuts. Never mind that it has been thoroughly proven that cutting taxes allows people to keep more of their own money— and use it to create, invest, invent and expand. Most people don’t simply put the windfall in the bank, but use it to improve their lives.

Democrats operate on the premise that you can buy votes by giving people stuff. Health care, free college, guaranteed basic income, that sort of thing. The problem is that you are often crippling people by giving them free stuff. They cease trying to do for themselves, and wait for more government handouts. To save African-American citizens from the evils of racism, we have given them Affirmative Action, busing, welfare, food stamps, that sort of thing. It’s fine to help people in need, but the other side of it is killing the enterprise that really moves you up the ladder. So you have millionaire football players protesting the provably false notion that America’s police are so racist that they cannot properly protect black people.

The hearing today was contentious, and revealing. Christine Blasey Ford established that her “fear of flying” was merely an attempt to delay the vote, and that she had lied about it as she flies all over the world, but especially to Hawaii. She seemed sincere, and at least somewhat credible. Apparently two men had called the committee before the hearing, and claimed to be those who had actually sexually assaulted Ms. Blasey, with some confirmation, to inform the committee. Some of the questioning was beyond loony. Democrats attempted to make a very big deal of every word in Kavanaugh’s high school yearbooks and the notes in his calendar from the time he was in high school. A Senate hearing and they get into flatulence

It’s worthwhile to take a look back to 1981 and the Clarence Thomas hearings, Senator Joe Biden presiding:

Justice Thomas was badly treated by Senate Democrats. Anita Hill went on to fame and fortune after her phony testimony.  But we have had the benefit of Justice Thomas’s Constitutional jurisprudence for 37 years, and  he’s been very, very good.

Listening to a Senate hearing is unfortunately very informative. So far the hearings have eliminated quite a few people from the list of Democrat potential candidates in 2020. We need to be a lot more careful about who we are sending back there. Trump was right about “draining the swamp.”

Democrats Are a Disgrace to the United States Senate by The Elephant's Child

What a day!

What explains the spectacle, the scandals and the melodramas? Victor Davis Hanson takes on the question, and deals with it quite successfully. Do read the whole thing, it’s not long.

Francis Menton, the Manhattan Contrarian asks: “What Is This About Not Accepting the Results of Elections?” (last Monday).

The fundamental thing that distinguishes the United States from everywhere else in the world is our collective commitment to our Constitution. What does that mean? It’s not a long or complex document. It defines the structure of the government (legislative, executive, judicial), and lays out a series of rights in the first ten amendments. But most fundamentally, it provides for an electoral process for selecting our legislative and executive officials. Commitment to the Constitution means accepting the results of the elections, and the subsequent peaceful transfer of power. During my entire life up to now, that has been how it worked. Now, not so much.

Democrats, having just had an 8 year successful presidency, with the first Black President, and preparing to elect the first woman as president for another 8 years and another Democrat triumph, were totally unprepared for a loss, and a loss to Donald Trump was somehow more than they could bear. Those in power had never imagined that Donald Trump either could or should win the 2016 election.

In an article from the Wall Street Journal, Shelby Steele explains: “For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle.

It began in the 1960s, when America finally accepted that slavery and segregation were profound moral failings. That acceptance changed America forever. It imposed a new moral imperative: America would have to show itself redeemed of these immoralities in order to stand as a legitimate democracy.

The genius of the left in the ’60s was simply to perceive the new moral imperative, and then to identify itself with it. Thus the labor of redeeming the nation from its immoral past would fall on the left. This is how the left put itself in charge of America’s moral legitimacy. The left, not the right—not conservatism—would set the terms of this legitimacy and deliver America from shame to decency.

The Democrats’ behavior at this hearing and in this confirmation process has been so far from what was intended by the Constitution, it is embarrassing. They clearly don’t care about truth, honor, a hearing conducted by the United States Senate, only about removing Brett Kavanaugh from any possibility of serving on the U.S. Supreme Court—because he might rule against their agenda. The Supreme Court is supposed to be about the Constitution and the law, not about feelings. This is why the Democrats deserve total condemnation for their behavior. This is the third time they have pulled this kind of stunt. Even today I have heard Democrats claiming that Justice Clarence Thomas, confirmed to the Court in 1981, is a sexual predator. Claims made during his hearing, and rejected. Inexcusable.

This has been a total Democrat smear, as has been their posture when their power is questioned or rejected, as it has been. The economy is booming in a way previously unseen in the 21st century. Unemployment is near record lows, and the stock market is reaching new highs. Domestic energy production is reaching record highs. Trump is helping to crush the Islamic State, he has beefed up the military, restored good relations with Israel and with the moderate Arab world. It’s clearly bad enough that Trump won, but he is actually suceeding, when he was supposed to be crude and incompetent. The failures of the previous administration are being fixed, one by one. That’s the source of the fury, which is now focused on Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family. Disgusting.

Shelby Steele Explains Why the Left is Consumed With Hate by The Elephant's Child


How did our beloved country slip and fall around the bend? Noted Hoover Institution scholar Shelby Steele took on the question in the Opinion page of the Wall Street Journal. “Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitlively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority.”

For many on the left a hateful anti-Americanism has become a self-congratulatory lifestyle. “America was never that great,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said. For radical groups like Black Lives Matter, hatred of America is a theme of identity, a display of racial pride.

For other leftists, hate is a license. Conservative speakers can be shouted down, even assaulted, on university campuses. Republican officials can be harassed in restaurants, in the street, in front of their homes. Certain leaders of the left—Rep. Maxine Waters comes to mind—are self-appointed practitioners of hate, urging their followers to think of hatred as power itself.

How did the American left—conceived to bring more compassion and justice to the world—become so given to hate? It began in the 1960s, when America finally accepted that slavery and segregation were profound moral failings. That acceptance changed America forever. It imposed a new moral imperative: America would have to show itself redeemed of these immoralities in order to stand as a legitimate democracy.

In the ’60s, he says, the genius of the left was simply to perceive the new moral imperative, and then to identify itself with it. Their task became redeeming the nation from its immoral past. The left put itself in charge of America’s moral legitimacy. The enormous political and moral power put the left in charge of federal social programs, the greatest array ever, some $22 trillion worth. You can buy a lot of supporters and donors with $22 trillion. But you have to be fighting against a big menace to be believable. The more menace, the more power. Racism was at the top of the list, and you can ask for more and more in the name of “systemic racism” and “structural inequality.” When that begins to lose its power, just think of what can become the newer menaces to be overcome.

You could quickly come up with a list. It is the Left’s weapon of choice. And their $22 trillion? Has it accomplished anything. Nearly every program they have espoused — welfare, public housing, affirmative action, diversity, school busing, job training, has failed and failed badly. But real results were never their aim.  Convincing the public that to be decent human beings they must join the fight, which never ends is the goal.

Yet it has all sort of dissolved into an indulgence in hate. Who can hate the most, or demonstrate their hatred the most, or say the worst things — and on and on it goes. I think Mr. Steele has put his finger on something important. I always wonder why the Left doesn’t seem to understand the Constitution and why it is important, what it means, and why our founding generation pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish it. They are off tilting swords at the menaces of modern America.

The Trials and Tribulations of Contemporary Technology by The Elephant's Child


I have been pretty negative on social media. Silicon Valley is remarkably partisan, and Congress is not only noticing, but considering what, if anything, they should do about it. I just had the experience of searching for the answer to a very simple question, which I never got, but the question was clearly partisan, (I was searching for the proper title of someone in the Trump administration) and it took me well in to the high 74th – 76th posts to even begin to get close to an answer. Every conservative has noticed that their algorithms disfavor conservative websites.

But here’s a case where technology is attempting to increase the speed and accuracy of food recalls. Walmart Inc. is requiring direct suppliers of lettuce, spinach and other greens to join its food-tracking blockchain by early next year. The move comes after 28 months of tests tracing the origins of berries, mangoes, baby food, chicken and other goods on a system developed by IBM, known as the IBM Food Trust blockchain, a group that includes Walmart, Nestlé SA, Dole Food Co, and several other food companies.

This also follows a bad outbreak of E.coli linked to romaine lettuce earlier this year that spread across 36 states, caused five deaths and hundreds of illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Outbreaks like this can hurt all distributors as shoppers who hear of it simply stop buying lettuce and other suspect goods from any suppliers, even unaffected ones. Blockchain can be used to promote transparency and greater food safety. Preventing deaths from E.Coli infection should surely be a high priority. We expect the food in our modern food chain to be safe.

Both the Food Trust group and IBM are working to simplify the process of getting data on farmers’ fields. lots and shipments into the system, including a web portal for farmers to use from a desktop or laptop to enter data, and a mobile app for accessing the Food Trust.

A further caution: The idea of Organic food came up because some shoppers were afraid of chemicals in fertilizers. Plants require nitrogen as a fertilizer, and don’t care if it comes from petroleum or from cow barns, but people who are afraid of Petroleum, oil and gas, do. So the organic label was born, and organic farmers promised to fertilize their food crops with cow manure as a “natural” response to fertilizer fear. Of course oil and gas are “natural” too, but unacceptable. The trouble is that cow manure is often the source of E.coli, and organic food costs about 35% more than non-organic.

I never buy organic food, but I once bought a bottle of organic lotion, which was really silly. It was lemon verbena, and I’m a sucker for anything in lemon verbena. That suggests that the trees that grew the lemons or the verbena bushes were fertilized only with manure, but I’m just putting the lotion on me, not in me.

Joe Biden Explains FBI Investigations by The Elephant's Child

Here’s Joe Biden, a bit younger back in 1991, during the Clarence Thomas hearings, explaining that FBI investigations, such as the one demanded today of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, do not reach conclusions. That’s not their job, nor how they do things. Embarrassing to Democrats to have us dredge up ancient evidence, but there it is. The FBI investigates, but they do not reach conclusions.

Democrats really hate it when we do this. They have no concern about consistency, and hate it when we make fun of them.

Jordan Peterson: The Fatal Flaw in Leftist American Politics by The Elephant's Child

What is political extremism? Professor of psychology Jordan Peterson points out that America knows what right-wing radicalism looks like: The doctrine of racial superiority is where conservatives have drawn the line. “What’s interesting is that on the conservative side of the spectrum we’ve figured out how to box-in the radicals and say, ‘No, you’re outside the domain of acceptable opinion,'” says Peterson. But where’s that line for the Left? There is no universal marker of what extreme liberalism looks like, which is devastating to the ideology itself but also to political discourse as a whole

. Fortunately, Peterson is happy to suggest such a marker: “The doctrine of equality of outcome. It seems to me that that’s where people who are thoughtful on the Left should draw the line, and say no. Equality of opportunity? [That’s] not only fair enough, but laudable. But equality of outcome…? It’s like: ‘No, you’ve crossed the line. We’re not going there with you.'” Peterson argues that it’s the ethical responsibility of left-leaning people to identify liberal extremism and distinguish themselves from it the same way conservatives distance themselves from the doctrine of racial superiority. Failing to recognize such extremism may be liberalism’s fatal flaw.

Essential Reading for September 25th by The Elephant's Child


— California State College, Long Beach:  Is removing “Prospector Pete,” a statue celebrating the 1849 Gold Rush that brought California to request statehood and become part of the Union, aside from all the benefits of the gold rush itself—like Levis, sending ships around the Horn, San Francisco sourdough bread. The problem is, of course, “political correctness”—which is nonsense. “Prospector Pete” was a fairly silly idea in the first place, but removing the statue because a statement on the university website said the gold rush was “a time in history when the indigenous peoples of California endured subjugation, violence and threats of genocide.”

Long Beach, a suburb of Los Angeles, is pretty far removed from the discovery of gold in Sacramento, the Indigenous peoples of California were already subjugated by the Spanish Friars who built the missions that dominated California in the early days. All over the world, indigenous people have been displaced by more advanced invaders, from the earliest man on down. Of course we could go all the way and banish all non-native Americans from Los Angeles and give it back to the tribes. Los Angeles has become pretty disgusting anyway, and losing Hollywood would be no great loss.

But I jest. I abhor Los Angeles. I lived there, and loathed the place. It’s just that the Leftist universities are going way too far with this political correctness bit, and it has to stop. I am terminally sick of the evil of white males, with whiny feminists who want more money, more benefits, more abortions, more personal freedom without the slightest idea that they should actually contribute something in exchange. And the silly protestors, male and female, who are sticking their fists up in the air and demanding that any female accusers of Judge Brett Kavanaugh should be believed because they are female? Because Hillary lost? Because Judge Kavanaugh is nominated by a conservative president and might interfere with a Democrat-run Supreme Court’s regulating from the bench? That’s getting a little closer.

—Then, fuming over the “political correctness” destroying the ability of our young people to get a worthwhile education, I encountered an article about a “Third-Grade Civics Textbook that Butchers American History.” Howard Zinn’s communist history of America for little kids. We have to start indoctrinating our little kids by third grade?

—I know I am basically upset about the Democrats’ disgusting treatment of an honorable man and his family because they don’t want him on the Supreme Court because they are furious at being out of power. Deservedly out of power. So the most essential reading is this piece by Victor Davis Hanson, in which he clearly lays out just how we got here. “Obama Won.”   So he did.

 By traditional metrics, Barack Obama’s presidency was mostly a failure. The economy, in a new first, never hit annualized growth of 3 percent. His signature domestic policy—Obamacare—caused chaos. Millions lost their coverage and doctors, and paid far more in deductibles and premiums. The stagnant recovery after the 2008 recession was the worst in 50 years.

Myriads of new regulations, higher taxes, and socialist jawboning vegetated the economy. Scandals at the IRS, Department of Veterans Affairs, FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, Justice Department, General Services Administration, and National Security Council abounded. … (Be sure to read this one. )

I’m fed up with these theatrics and you should be too. Go ahead, get mad.