American Elephants

Democrats Sink Lower on the Decency Scale by The Elephant's Child
September 26, 2020, 2:42 pm
Filed under: Politics | Tags: , ,

Nancy Pelosi, I am disturbed to find, is suggesting “Why bother holding a Presidential Debate? Trump Isn’t Committed To Our Constitution” For those confused by this absurdity, what she is really saying is that “they have to keep Joe Biden out of any opportunity to speak publicly unless they can control what he says ” because his mental decline might be noticeable. I guess they think if they can get him elected, they can cover for him. This is so weird.

With many criticizing 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of hiding in his basement for the majority of his campaign, presidential debates seemingly would be a good way for the former vice president to refute claims of a decline in mental cognizance and that he is pushing a socialist agenda.

During a Friday interview on CBS’s “This Morning,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) doubled down on saying Biden should not debate President Donald Trump. Pelosi argued that Trump “has no fidelity to fact or truth” and “isn’t committed to our Constitution,” thus she asked “why bother” holding a debate with him.

Pelosi replied. “Not that I don’t think he’ll be excellent. I just think that the president has no fidelity to fact or truth, and actually, in his comments the last few days, no fidelity to the Constitution of the United States. He and his henchmen are a danger with their comments, are a danger to our democracy. So, I didn’t want to give him — you know, why bother — you know, he doesn’t tell the truth, he isn’t committed to our Constitution.”

And no surprise. Democrats started smearing Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Friday night — primarily for her Catholic faith and her seven children, especially the adopted ones. That seems a bit dumb. There are a few other Catholics in the country besides Judge Barrett, and a few folks with adopted children. She is highly qualified and the youngest nominee since Clarence Thomas. She clerked for Justice Scalia. Every time you think the Democrats cannot sink lower in their quest for control, you are wrong. They can and will always go lower. I thought we had, as a nation, respected all religions. But there we are. Disgusting.


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Of course the one leading in polls has little to gain in any debate


Comment by John

Like Hillary’s supposed 96% chance of winning? LOL

Biden’s loss is going to be historic, it may even exceed that of McGovern’s popular vote-margin loss to Nixon in ’72… because the democ-rat party has gone full-blown socialist, and no sane person wants to watch hypocritical socialist overseers fatten themselves at the pork trough while honest Americans starve to death ala Venezuela because the democ-rats have implemented a “Green Screw-You Deal” total and permanent shutdown of the economy, as the democ-rats are now hinting at.


Comment by LOL@Klimate Katastrophe Kooks

If Amy Coney Barrett is somehow ‘disqualified’ for consideration for appointment to the Supreme Court for her Catholic beliefs, doesn’t that also disqualify Joe Biden for consideration for election to President of the United States, given that he’s Catholic?

Of course, you’ll never hear Nancy Pelosi claiming that Amy Coney Barrett shouldn’t be qualified for appointment to the Supreme Court due to her Catholic beliefs… Pelosi is Catholic, which would mean Pelosi herself wasn’t qualified for whatever she supposedly does.

Didn’t the democ-rats also have a period in the past where they stopped Catholics from attaining public office? Sure they did:

Article VI of the U.S. Constitution specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,”, with the implication that a person’s religion shall not be a disqualification, either… wasn’t Nancy Pelosi just blathering that DJT “isn’t committed to our Constitution”… and here the democ-rats are implying that they want to violate the Constitution in the most egregious of ways.

If the democ-rats didn’t have double-standards, they’d have no standards at all.


Comment by LOL@Klimate Katastrophe Kooks

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