American Elephants

“The Bluest Skies You’ll Ever See Are In Seattle?” by The Elephant's Child
March 23, 2023, 7:02 pm
Filed under: Politics

Sheer Bunk! You can probably put a tune to that, Song titles have no relation to reality. Blue skies are fairly rare here. It rains a lot, and when it isn’t raining, it’s cloudy! The influence of a lot of water. The Pacific Ocean, Salt water lakes and fresh water lakes, rivers, creeks, and a major range of mountains to free us from the hot weather of the interior of the state.Today the skies are a varying shades of gray, as they have been for months and months. Most of us here are fairly fond of sunshine, and would like a lot more of it. It’s just after six o’clock here, and although it’s fully light outside, it is definitely not sunny, nor has been, for days and days and days. It does get hot here in the summer, and lakes are nice for cooling off, but the headline is sheer bunk. We have Puget Sound, a large body of salt water which surrounds one side of Seattle, and Lake Washington, fresh water,surrounds the other side. Lake Washington is a big lake, heavily used for recreation, not so much for transportation since freeways surround it..Today, March 23, the skies are a varying shades of gray, which is pretty much usual. The song title is mostly just plain hope hope!!