American Elephants

Republicans in Congress are Working Hard to Stop the Healthcare Takeover by American Elephant
December 3, 2009, 5:00 am
Filed under: Democrat Corruption, Health Care, Politics, Socialism | Tags: ,

Moe Lane has the skinny:

In their first shot at the measure this week, Republicans decided to try to strike at the heart of how Democrats plan to pay for the $848 billion measure by attempting to eliminate the proposal’s almost $440 billion in Medicare cuts.

But instead of offering a conventional amendment, they decided to use an esoteric procedural tactic that would send the bill back to committee with instructions to eliminate the cuts. If successful, the GOP’s gambit would force Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to use time-consuming procedures and hold another filibuster-killing vote on whether to restart debate on the bill.

That takes it off the floor, requires another committee vote, delays the bill, and ticks off Senate Democrats.  The ‘delays the bill’ part is probably the most important thing, here: health care rationing just isn’t popular these days.

But there is only so much they can do with parliamentary tricks against a Democrat super-majority. They need your help. Be sure to tell them you appreciate their efforts, and help them out by putting pressure on the Democrats. Here’s another way to help.

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