American Elephants

Democrats Just Can’t Stop Screwing Up the Economy. by The Elephant's Child
September 29, 2010, 9:41 pm
Filed under: Capitalism, Democrat Corruption, Economy, Taxes

If the Bush tax-cuts are not extended, Democrats will have to face up to the consequences of raising taxes during a recession.  The Bush administration was only able to get the tax cuts passed by agreeing to their expiration on January 1, 2011.

So unless the House acts to extend them, they are initiating a huge tax increase on all Americans. President Obama claims to want to extend the middle class tax cut, but to allow tax cuts for those who earn over $200.000 for singles or $250,000 for couples to expire, increasing taxes on “the rich.”

A group of 31 House Democrats facing tough reelection battles has already sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi  and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging them to extend the expiring tax breaks for all income levels, including the wealthy.  But the real number of Democrats who oppose the tax hikes is even bigger.

The question of what to do about capital-gains tax rates and dividend tax rates which are also scheduled to increase is up in the air.  Even more Democrats are parting ways with the president.  “Our fiscal policy should be one that maximizes economic growth and private sector job creation” said the Democrat lawmakers.

Today, House Democrats squeaked out a 210-209 vote to adjourn the House without extending the tax cuts.  39 Democrats voted against adjournment.

Mark Knopfler: Whoop De Doo, The Only Live Performance of This Song. by The Elephant's Child
September 29, 2010, 8:31 pm
Filed under: Entertainment, Music, YouTube | Tags: , ,

Great sounding recording of Mark´s charity gig at Boothbay Opera House in September 2006. in Maine. It was the one and only live performance of this song so far! Very unique show without a drummer! Richard Bennett on 2nd guitar, Guy Fletcher on Keyboards and Glen Worf on bass.  Nice.

h/t: Maggies Farm

There’s A War Going On on Our Southern Border. Has Anybody Noticed? by The Elephant's Child

There is a war going on next door in Mexico, and our government seems much more concerned about Arizona’s efforts to control illegal immigration.  In recent weeks mayors in five Mexican cities have been murdered by the drug cartels, eleven in 2010.  On the Arizona border, for the first time in history, control of some of our own territory is being ceded to the cartels.

The Los Angeles Police Department warns that five cartels have set up logistics operations in their city.

The cartels in Mexico are more than a police problem.  President Felipe Calderon warns that everything about  the cartels’ actions says that they mean to take over.  In Juarez, across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas, the death toll since 2006 is over 6,000.  The most recent outrage was the murder of a 6-year-old little girl.  She was murdered as she slept in her bed on Monday, shot point-blank in the face by a cartel gunman.

Over 230,000 residents of Juarez, a city of 1.3 million have fled in fear of their lives, 54% have gone to El Paso.  The Los Angeles Times has an interactive map delineating the drug related deaths from January 1, 2007 to June 5, 2009.  In Chihuahua — 2,481 deaths; in Baja California —890; in Sonora — 304;  Sinaloa — 1,240 deaths; Durango — 669; Coahuila — 174;  Nuevo Leon —213; and Tamaulipas —221 deaths.  These are just the states close to our Southern border, and up to June of last year. The Times has stories up-to-date listed as well.

Washington DC is much more concerned that Arizona’s efforts to get federal attention to their border might offend some illegal immigrants, and discourage the votes of illegal immigrants, than it is for the safety of American citizens in their own country.  There are roads in Southern Arizona that border patrol agents keep drivers from using after dark. The border fence is ignored, and Obama’s increased border patrol agents have reportedly been assigned to desk jobs.

We help out with about $400 million to Mexico a year, way less than the estimated $8 to $25 billion that Latin American cartels make in U.S. drug profits each year.  This month, Investors says, the State Department withheld $26 million in U.S. war aid to Mexico based on State’s assessment of  Mexico’s “human rights progress.” Which sounds like our State Department.

Nobody promised that there wouldn’t be hard problems popping up all over.  That’s one reason why presidents try to appear strong, decisive and in control.  Soviet expansionism slowed drastically after President Ronald Reagan broke the air-traffic controllers’ strike by firing the whole bunch of them.  The Soviets decided that he was definitely not a pansy, and reduced their efforts.

Mexico’s war sounds like a conflagration that could become our problem as well as theirs.  Fires, unattended, have a tendency to grow.

ADDENDUM: Another mayor in Mexico has been killed, this one in Michoacan— in a small town in  western Mexico, and one of the main sources for immigration to the United States.  He was stoned to death.  This was the third attack on a public official in less than a week. The bodies of Gustavo Sanchez, mayor of Tancitaro in Michoacan state and an aide were found.

On Friday the mayor-elect in northern Chihuahua state was found shot in the head and chest by suspected drug hitmen, leaving him in critical condition.

Here’s Why We Think Patty Murray Needs to be Defeated. by The Elephant's Child

Patty Murray was elected from Washington State in the “Year of the Woman,” whatever that was, and she ran as a “mom in tennis shoes.” She’s been pretty much a cipher until this last session when she got to be the chair of a subcommittee, and is supposedly in the Senate Democrat leadership, which speaks really poorly of the Senate leadership.

It’s high time that we in Washington State have some intelligent and responsible representation instead of a reliable Democrat party-line vote.