American Elephants

The Politics of Patronage, Overwrought. by The Elephant's Child

Democrats don’t like disagreement. And they have been quick to disagree (It’s only people who disagree with them, not their disagreement that is the problem) with every assertion by every speaker, and their venom rises with the success of the speaker.

The liberal loons at MSNBC have hauled out their “code book” to identify everything with which they disagree as “racist,”  Words spoken by Republicans are actually “code,” racist words meant to do something or other that is racist.  “Welfare” is an obvious racist word, although there are more whites than blacks on welfare, “Food stamps” is another racist word. Whoever first called Barack Obama “the food-stamp” president because the numbers of people on food-stamps has climbed so dramatically, was apparently making a “racist” comment. For what purpose? To get people to notice that Barack  Obama is an African-American? Was anyone unaware of that? “Chicago” is racist, “PGA Tour” is racist. “Golf” is racist. “Work requirement” is racist. Criticism of President Obama’s policies is racist. If such “code words” are racist — what is the result supposed to be? I don’t get it.

Chris Matthews went on a lengthy rant against RNC Chairman Reince Priebus in which he actually said that President Obama” has an African name, and he’s got to live with it.” What?

Immigration over the years has brought many unfamiliar names to America. They’re interesting, sometimes unpronounceable, like — Reince Priebus. We learn to pronounce different names. Celebrities have largely quit changing their names into more “regular” Anglo-Saxon names. Middle Eastern names are newest for us, and still difficult. Chinese names put the last name first in our terms. Indonesian and Vietnamese names are sometimes hard, because unfamiliar. I’ve never had anyone be offended if I ask how to pronounce their name, and people often ask how to pronounce my name.  But racist?

The question becomes why are you so conscious of race? Is not that over-attention to supposed “code words” racist itself?  How about MSNBC carefully refusing to broadcast coverage of any ethnic minority who appeared on a Republican stage?

3 Comments so far
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I don’t see the distinction that you do in the first paragraph, but otherwise a good post.

Indeed, the attempts by defenders of President Obama to characterize references to terms like “food stamps” as “racist” is getting rather tiresome.

Regarding names, however, have a look at some of the vitriol against Obama on popular Conservative web sites, like that of the Washington Times. Hiding behind annonymity, a disturbing number of commentators (readers) refer to the President by calling him Osama, or by stressing his middle name. The belief that BHO is secretly some radical Muslim still runs deep in the minds of some voters.


Comment by Subsidy Eye

Still on the topic of names, I’m surprised that Republicans haven’t started calling him President Embalmer.


Comment by Subsidy Eye

“President Embalmer” LOL!

That’s awesome!

As for the topic of this post, it’s an exercise in futility – trying to apply logic and rationale to the insane. Still, it is an entertaining post. 🙂


Comment by Charlie

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