American Elephants

A Little More Gloating — Indulge Me. by The Elephant's Child

B1qUKR0CQAEJJhP.jpg largeHere’s Utah’s Mia Love, getting a huge hug from her father on her victory. She will be a great asset to the House of Representatives.  A black, Mormon American of Haitian descent and a Republican. It is the latter description that is so troubling to Democrats. Apparently one cannot be black and Republican. Blacks who leave the Democrat plantation are to be subject to vile slander and hate. Free speech and free thought are not allowed if you do not conform. I like Mia Love a lot, I wish I could have voted for her.

An outstanding newly-elected Senator is Tom Cotton, of Arkansas. A Harvard graduate, military veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, law degree. Here’s his victory speech, a little out of the ordinary, and very special.

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