American Elephants

Exploring the Depths of Democrat Depravity by The Elephant's Child


Everything relates back to this map. Democrats were complacent about the 2016 election. Hillary had it in the bag, it was time for the first woman president, and even Obama claimed that she was the most qualified presidential nominee ever. When the Republicans nominated Donald Trump, it became even more of a sure thing. Control would pass comfortably from the first black president to the first woman president, and nobody had to worry. Trump was unthinkable. He was a rich businessman, the category usually blamed for most everything, and who needed to be parted from their money to give succor to the downtrodden, or something like that.  Besides that he had funny hair (surely a wig), an orange complexion (too much tanning cream) and talked (as Dan Bongino once described it ) “like someone in the construction business from Queens.” Democrats were in love with Obama, had been for 8 years, and they were ready to transfer that emotion to Hillary in the role of “first woman,” which got extra bonus points.

Essentially the unexpected loss of control explains all the wretched excess we have experienced. Loss of important Washington and Hamptons parties where it was important to be seen, loss of appointments to important committees and bureaus, loss of the attention of the media, because what was happening was with the new administration.

Republicans are more inclined to elect people who are charged with major tasks—fix the economy, create jobs, lower taxes, bring manufacturing back, stop wasting money on windmills, that sort of thing, and approval or disapproval depends on what gets accomplished.  This is a huge difference. Democrats act on emotion. It is essential for them to prove that the Trump presidency is illegitimate, a mistake, illegal, improper, and should never have happened. They want Republicans banned from all venues, disappeared, silenced permanently.

At The Federalist, David Harsanyi wrote:

This week The Washington Post published an op-ed headlined: “It’s not wrong to compare Trump’s America to the Holocaust.” As with similar examples of this genre, it’s a sickening display of moral relativism that belittles the suffering and murder of millions in the service of some short-sighted and crass partisan fearmongering.

This week Politico published an opinion piece headlined: “Putin’s Attack on the U.S. Is Our Pearl Harbor,” which demeaned the sacrifice of American soldiers by likening a military attack on American soil that brought us into the bloodiest war mankind has ever experienced to email phishing.

David is not wrong, he just doesn’t go far enough. Victor Davis Hanson comes closer with his piece at American Greatness. “Deport the Deplorables?”

Deport the Deplorables is a slogan of popular culture, found on bumper stickers, t-shirts, and internet postings. But now the mini-industry of deplorable/deportable sloganeering has made its way into more elite circles.

With just three words, the phrase “deport the deplorables” sends two popular messages: one, get rid of undesirable American citizens who voted for Donald Trump and who were properly written off in 2016 as deplorables by Hillary Clinton. And, two, by implication, don’t deport the illegal aliens who broke U.S. immigration law. Or put more succinctly, foreign nationals who crash our borders are innately superior people to citizens of the working- and middle-classes who voted for Trump.

That’s what they want, and they are working hard at it. Facebook bans “hate speech” with their algorithms which usually turns out to be conservative opinions. Google manages to arrive at something from a Conservative website around the 15th or 20th posting. Twitter celebrates vicious anti-Trump inanities from celebrities who guarantee more followers, and bans anyone with a conservative opinion.

There are two large organizations working to get the public to refuse to patronize any business that does not fall in the Leftist Line. One is “Sleeping Giant“exposed as the work of one Matt Rivitz, a San Francisco advertising person who utilizes social media mobs to silence conservative voices. There is also “Grab Your Wallet” which reaches out to get people to boycott all companies who do not fall into the clear Lefty Line. Any store selling Trump products. Anyone who raised funds for Trump, Anyone religious like Chick-Fil-A, anyone connected in any way with the gun industry, any Trump hotels, branded or operated business. Anyone whose CEO donated to Trump. Gives contact phone numbers and tells banners what to say. It would be easy to draw historical comparisons that clearly show where this is headed, but you can figure that out for yourself. It is simply deeply wrong, and shows the extent of the ignorance out there. Humankind has explored the depths of depravity before. One would not expect it to be dragged up out of the sewers once more over the loss of an election.

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