American Elephants

Impeachment Is Over. Bad Job. Case Dismissed. by The Elephant's Child
February 6, 2020, 2:51 am
Filed under: Election 2020, Politics | Tags: , , ,

Oh my! The Democrats, winding up their very best efforts to capitalize on the articles of impeachment that have resulted from this long, long effort to dispose of the duly elected, but hated, President of the United States of America, have managed to make a colossal mess of the whole thing. Iowa has been holding caucuses for years, it should have been simple, but golly, the results at this late hour, two days late, are still only partly in. Some new software, they claim. Interestingly, Joe Biden, who was the supposed primary opposition in the coming election for President Trump, and the reason for the accusations of Trump’s supposedly impeachable request to investigate him, ( having nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s improbable corrupt payout from the agency his father was in charge of controlling ā€“ is now distantly trailing Pete Buttigieg, a radical former mayor, and Bernie Sanders, current socialist. The Democrats are Not Impressed with their list of candidates. Hence Bloomberg and Steyer,the leading radicals for the Democrats.Ā  Impeachment is over. A failed effort. The President is innocent and not, as Nancy Pelosi claims “impeached forever.”

Nancy Pelosi’s smarmy little stunt of ripping up the copy of the President’s speech is failing to bad planning and (even) Democrat disgust. She was filmed showing that the papers of the speech had a tear started, so she could make her dramatic gesture effectively. A number of Democrats were outraged by that, and swore never to vote for a Democrat again.

The “Squad” arranged to fail to be present. AOC stayed home with her new dog, so they wouldn’t have to witness children in cages. Tlaib and Omar pointedly did not attend the 100 year old Tuskegee Airman’s presentation, which outraged other Democrats because that was really an important honor, and a very big deal in the Second World War. Trump made him a General in a ceremony at the White House. But it was pretty obvious that Tlaib and Omar had no clue what a Tuskegee Airman was or why it was supposed to be a big deal.

Democrats, in general, remain furious and outraged, but Impeachment is over. Done. Finished. The President is not guilty, not impeached. Sorry, Nancy, he is not :”impeached forever”. They got themselves all worked up into a frenzy, and don’t know what to do with it. Folks in Utah are talking about recall for Mitt Romney, though recall is apparently not available in Utah. Mitt Romney did come up with a pathetic self-justification, involving his own sterling character and his faith.

Democrats had what might be called a brain freeze, bad planning, bad execution, and a lot of angry citizens. What that means for the 2020 election is unknown. The economy, however, is booming, and favoring the very people who need a booming economy the most. Plentiful jobs, a strong stock market, plentiful energy, and the fires in Australia were not caused by global warming. The Polar Bears are just fine and thriving.

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Please change the state from Ohio to Iowa.


Comment by Daniel Zeise

In penance, I went around all day humming “You’ve gotta give Iowa a chance” in my head. I have never been to the Midwest, so my ignorance is pure, but my heart’s in the right place.


Comment by The Elephant's Child

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