American Elephants

April Fools Day, But the Sky is Partly a Clear Blue! by The Elephant's Child
April 1, 2023, 5:50 pm
Filed under: Politics

Most of the sky is still a bland white, but there are indeed big healthy patches of bright, clear blue. A welcome sight
Seems like we’ve had weeks and months without a sign of a blue sky.

I have never really adjusted to the totally cloudy skies that are normal in the Seattle area. We have the Pacific Ocean only a few miles away, a very big salt~water sound between Seattle and Bellevue, and another big fresh~water lake just to the East of Bellevue. Lots of small lakes and rivers, so there’s lots of normal moisture in the air.

When April Fools Day comes around do you normally try to pull a joke or trick on family and friends in honor of the day, or do you just ignore it? I think I’ve always just ignored it entirely, but I have no idea if people take the day seriously. I have been yearning for blue sky, Even after years of living in the Seattle area I still cannot get used to the constant lack of blue skies. That song about “the bluest skies you’ll ever see” is always an annoyance. Today, however, there are big patches of blue to remind us that sometimes we actually do have blue skies.