American Elephants

Friday April 7, Cloudy Skies, Rare Hints of Blue by The Elephant's Child
April 7, 2023, 6:04 pm
Filed under: Politics

Smoky off in the hills across the valley, which clearly indicates a lot of fires in fireplaces. Here in the Seattle area, most houses have fireplaces. I don’t think many apartments do, but I don’t know that. I don’t know that fireplaces are so common elsewhere. but I’ve never been in a house here that didn’t have a fireplace. I grew up with lots of fireplaces, but we didn’t have central heating nor electricity for that matter. We generated our own electricity, had a dam to store up the water from our own stream to use at night. When Idaho Power finally got around to our area, we were deeply grateful.

Of course, once you get used to power arriving at the click of a switch, you are enormously indignant when the power does not come on instantly, as happens sometimes! When you live way out in the boonies, it’s nice to be able to take care of yourself. And when public resources are not dependable!

Almost Easter, and really and truly Spring! Are there still Easter Egg hunts? They used to be common. I haven’t heard anything about them lately, but I no longer have young children and am not paying attention to that sort of thing anyway. Haven’t seen any Spring bloom, but haven’t been down to the park either. Have to hit our botanical garden as soon as it stops raining. Seattle area is supposedly famous for it’s blue skies and spring bloom. There are some tiny bits of blue sky peeking through here and there, but as a wishful enticement more than an actuality. That bit about “the bluest skies you’ll ever see are in Seattle” was always hooey, or wishful thinking. A songwriters fancy.

However, with the arrival of Spring, Spring holidays, Spring blossoms, flower festivals you start looking for flowers everywhere. Some neighborhoods with lots of blooming street trees invite you over to see. I don’t know about you, but I get greedy and want it all spectacular right now!