American Elephants

Abortion has Been Much in the News. by The Elephant's Child
April 14, 2023, 7:17 pm
Filed under: Politics

Some, of course, have religious objections and consider it a major sin. Others don’t want to be stuck with an unwanted pregnancy. Not going to be a subject where you get a lot of agreement. The laws and rules are different all over the country, sometimes by cities and counties, and sometimes by public opinion. Sometimes it’s a major local battleground. When the talk goes to what’s legal and what isn’t, one county may be different from the one just over the hill. Very complicated subject.

Also one that doesn’t get talked about much until someone that really does not want a baby has to figure out what do do about a surprise pregnancy. The news stories, of course, are more about what the journalist thinks is fair or unfair. And the woman who thinks she may be pregnant is desperate to figure out what to do about it, if anything. There are strict legal repercussions about what one can or cannot do and where and when. It seems to be an issue that comes up fairly frequently, unsurprisingly, but doesn’t offer much help or advice. One would think that there would be frequent articles about how to prevent a pregnancy, best methods aside from just abstaining, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Odd conundrum.

A Clear Sunny Day in Seattle by The Elephant's Child
April 14, 2023, 5:53 pm
Filed under: Politics

Blue skies, thin white clouds barely there down towards the horizon. An unimpressive sky, mostly thin pale blue where there aren’t definite clouds and there aren’t many of those. Not impressive, but O.K.. Looking out my second story window it’s just pale blue fading into white all over. Well. could be a lot worse1 Nobody is going outside to sit and enjoy the sunshine. Just definitely not that kind of day. Maybe next week. Seattle is, a I have mentioned before, a “moist” city. Major navigable river to the Pacific Ocean, lots of ocean-going shipping. Seattle sits on a large saltwater sound. on the west side and on the east side is a major freshwater lake.To the East, the land rises up to the Cascade Range, a major mountain range separating the coast from the interior farming and ranching land. So Seattle is a major port for the West Coast of America, and an important one.

Far to the South, it’s still a little smoky, but not nearly as much as it was last week. I don’t know if there’s enough sunshine out there to draw people out to enjoy the sun, but at least it’s not raining! Lots of fires in people’s fireplaces. A fire in the fireplace can be really comforting on a damp cloudy day, It;s not the kind of day that draws one outside at all. That will have to wait a little longer.