American Elephants

Blank Cloudy Skies. No Sunshine, No Rain, Just Blah! by The Elephant's Child
April 23, 2023, 5:18 pm
Filed under: Politics

Not even any sounds of traffic on the main East-West street at the bottom of the hill 4 blocks to the East. Certainly nobody is heading to a park for some sunshine. Hasn’t been any for days and days. A good brisk rain would be most welcome. No sign of either sunshine or blue skies to be seen anywhere. Well, it’s Sunday and a day for staying home with a fire in the fireplace, and perhaps a movie to watch on T.V. I hope that wherever you live, you at least get a bit of sunshine. Doesn’t seem possible that this can be almost the end of April with May upcoming. Spring sunshine indeed!

ADDENDUM: When my computer publishes a new post, it adds similar or competing links for those who might want to read more from past posts. I gather that I have complained bitterly about the lack of sunshine fairly frequently! Sorry!