American Elephants

Palm Sunday, and The Sky is a Bland White With Pale Blue Peeking Through Here and There. by The Elephant's Child
April 2, 2023, 6:27 pm
Filed under: Politics

Definitely not going to be a sunny day.There are very small patches of blue sky, and I do mean very small. Even though I’ve lived here for many years, I can’t seem to get adapted to Seattle’s slow appearance of Spring. At home in Idaho, the stages of Spring were marked by what was blooming. Syringa,(the Idaho state flower,) fragrant and lovely, (also known as mock orange) truly perfumed the air, and the blossoming shrubs were beautiful too. One bloom after another appeared in succession, which made Spring especially welcome

Here. some blossoms appear in succession, but nothing particularly fragrant nor especially beautiful. We are just a few blocks from the city’s Botanical Garden, where there is always something blooming, and a nice walk any time of the year. But I will never get over being homesick for Idaho.

It’s now raining slightly, and any traces of blue sky are long gone. Another typically drab day in Seattle.

Palm Sunday, and the Approach of Easter Sunday by The Elephant's Child
April 2, 2023, 5:52 pm
Filed under: Politics

Tradition says that the citizens of Jerusalem laid palm branches on the streets of Jerusalem to welcome Jesus in his triumphal return to the city, and the crucifixion, and thus the Christian religion. How that got translated into dyed and colored Easter Eggs, I don’t really know. “Traditions” are not always completely clear about just why they are a tradition.

Did the dyed or colored Easter Egg extensively precede the Easter Egg hunt, which seems probable, or did they emerge simultaneously? Dunno. Are there still Easter Egg hunts? Also Dunno. Is there a religious significance to the Easter Egg Hunt? I assume that Mother’s Day preceded Father’s Day, and assume that is because Fathers felt left out with just a Mother’s Day, but I don’t know that, They may have emerged simultaneously. Learning about just why and when “traditions” appeared is interesting.

Do families still set aside time to hard boil and color Easter Eggs? Are there still Easter Egg Hunts? Big ones? Or just family traditions? Or are they church sponsored?