American Elephants

The Original Inhabitants of the United States all Came From Somewhere Else. by The Elephant's Child
October 21, 2023, 7:39 pm
Filed under: Politics

The ‘Native Americans’, often referred to as “Original Citizens” came to the Pacific Coast from the Pacific Islands. They did not originate here. The rest of us came from somewhere else. We have dug up the origins of most of our inhabitants, pre-Columbus and post- Columbus. But it does not appear that even in the earliest inhabitants we can find traces of any that actually originated here, though that kind of history is more than a little thin. Far as that goes, we are more than a little uninformed about our earliest residents. As is the rest of the world about their earliest residents. Our information about the origins of humanity is extremely thin, and a matter of continuing study. We just do not know all that much. Every now and then, some new excavation turns up a few surprising facts and we have to rethink the whole darn thing. That will probably continue to be the norm. Somewhere at some time, there was an original human, was there not? Must have been.