American Elephants

How can we get fair and honest elections? The media could help. by The Elephant's Child

Electoral fraud? Let me count the ways.  How about the “grubby little racket” of Obama’s online credit fraud.  There are default security checks on the computers that accept donations that prevent basic fraud like fake addresses, names that don’t match.  Apparently all those checks have been intentionally disabled. Donations from Mr. A Hitler of Berlin Germany, names such as Es Esh or Doodad Pro.

Or there are the scores of small online donations Mary T. Biskup discovered that had been made to the Obama campaign in her name even though she had not given him a cent. They added up to $174,800, obviously more than a little over the $2,300 legal limit.

Or the Obama campaign that claims “no ties” to ACORN; but a former staffer testified today that ACORN was provided a “donor list” from the presidential campaign.  Obama contributors who had “maxed out” under federal limits could be targeted to give to ACORN’s Project Vote.

No home? There are ways around the rules.  ACORN and the ACLU are anxious to be sure that the homeless can vote.  Apparently all you need is a park bench and a cross street.

We are a little sensitive to this kind of thing here in Washington State. Our election four years ago put a Democrat governor into office through a highly questionable election that involved ACORN as well as improper actions by election officials.

American Elephant Adds: I happen to think the very reason we are seeing such widespread voter-registartion fraud by ACORN in all the battleground states this year is because it worked so well in Washington in 2004. Fake registrations is the first step, miraculously “finding” enough ballots on election day to overcome any lead the opponent may have is the second. Remember, ACORN was convicted here in WA, and the ballots that put Christine Gregoire in the governor’s office were unsecured, in violation of election law. Look for ballots to be “found” on election day if there is any crucial state where Obama is behind.

Think Universal Healthcare is Desirable? Think again. by The Elephant's Child

Universal healthcare A Canadian says be careful what you wish for.

A friend living in the USA tells me that one of the great attractions for voters leaning toward Barack Obama is his plan to deliver universal health care.  Canada is often mentioned as a paragon of the socialized health care model in the pitch for the Utopian dream; what is seldom mentioned is that the dream is often more like a nightmare….

Canadian hospitals are filthy bacteria-infested places where perhaps hundreds of people die painful and needless deaths because doctors can’t be bothered to wash their hands.

No one can tell you how many people die of C. Difficile each year because tallying the numbers may be politically embarrassing.  A lawsuit is under way against one hospital where 91 patients died in less than 2 years from C. Difficile.

Read the whole brief article. It includes a table that explains the ‘wait times’ for medical procedures in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province. And why so many Canadians come to the U.S for treatment.

You might refer again to this post, which explains why it cannot work in the long run.