American Elephants

Joe Biden Apparently Wants Open Borders by The Elephant's Child
December 23, 2020, 9:48 pm
Filed under: Politics | Tags: , ,

Joe Biden has explained that he really, really believes in climate change. I’d lay odds that he has never read a single scientific article about the problem, which doesn’t seem to actually be a problem. It has been much warmer in the past. He also really, really believes in opening up the borders to welcome more illegal immigrants. Headline in American Greatness: Under Biden, the Term “Illegal Alien” may Become Illegal. Now he’s even talking about tearing down Trump’s border wall. ( Illegal Aliens can easily be persuaded to vote Democrat) A big influx of illegals hits the poorest American workers hard.

“Illegal alien” has been targeted for elimination by the anti-borders Left for several years now, and that effort will kick into high gear in a Biden presidency. One of their favorite lines of attack is the mantra “no human being is illegal,” as if identifying a person’s legal status is equivalent to dehumanizing the person. There has also been much effort to classify the term as a racial slur. This is Political Correctness 101  intended to get people thinking based on emotions, not facts.

This attack on language is a modern-day version of “newspeak” from Orwell’s 1984. Violent rioters are actually peaceful protesters. Confiscatory tax rates are “investing in our children’s future,” and illegal aliens are “undocumented immigrants.”

Do read the whole thing, it’s not long. The TDS people have been trying to blame “separation of families”, and “children in cages” separated from their parents on Trump, but that was entirely the Obama Administration. Obama even had shoes printed up, for the kids who came without shoes, with his picture inside, I guess so they would know who gave them their first shoes?

I also know someone who is convinced that the Democrats get significant donations from the Drug Cartels to look the other way at the drugs coming over our southern border. During this Covid Crisis, drug overdoses have climbed significantly as a cause of death. Whether that can be blamed on lockdowns or increased availability of drugs I have no idea. We have a lot of governors and mayors issuing orders about how to manage the Covid Crisis without much information or expertise backing up what they are doing. Pay close attention, and lets get rid of the incompetents next time.

In the meantime, the Border Patrol is doing an outstanding job under difficult circumstances. Child trafficking is a real problem, and not all the people who are trying to get in would be a particularly good addition to our society.

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