American Elephants

Control and What it Means, Unfortunately. by The Elephant's Child
December 30, 2020, 10:42 pm
Filed under: Politics | Tags: , ,

We seem to have a remarkable number of groups out there struggling to be in control. Nothing is what it claims to be. Do keep a sharp eye on “The Great Reset” which pretends to rescue the world from climate doom, but is actually a bid to eliminate capitalism. And, of course, Capitalism is what has made America great.

This is a serious concern, for Joe Biden has been using the language of “the Great Reset”, which is “Build Back Better” which he says frequently, It perhaps sounds good, but”The Great Reset” would lead to a depression, probably greater than than the Great Depression of the 1930s. Roosevelt didn’t know how to respond, and according to economists made the depression seven years longer than it needed to be. That was a ghastly time, and ruined many lives.

In the old world, there were often sharp class distinctions, and if your father was a sheep herder, that’s all you could hope for. You were born to a certain class, and the upper classes didn’t want any competition. Kings were always getting overthrown, and they didn’t want the peasants getting restless.

What has made America different is what I have called “the right to rise.” You don’t see it mentioned much or even acknowledged much, which is unfortunate. Sometime late last year, a young black high school senior was written up in the press. He was from Cleveland, if I remember correctly, and he had been walking three miles every day to the public library where he could get homework help. That netted him admission to some 22 colleges, including the one he most wanted to attend. Lots of sneering about his walking 3 miles. But the point is that you can work hard and rise. Become what you dream of becoming. There are not a lot of places on this earth where you can do that. Jeff Bezos started with an idea and a car trunk full of books. The young man from Cleveland will probably be found in a few years, running some major corporation and getting rich.

Jason Riley, who happens to be black, writes for the Opinion Page at the Wall Street Journal, has a book out entitled Please Stop Helping Us. Highly recommended and available, of course, at Amazon.

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