American Elephants

Required Attire for the Obama Address by American Elephant
September 9, 2009, 4:42 pm
Filed under: Health Care | Tags: , ,

hipwadersGet yours on. The lies will be that deep. But Obama doesn’t seem to realize that Americans know he is lying. It’s one of the reasons their anger is so intense.

The MSM will LOVE the speech. Chris Matthews will declare it more merciful than the Sermon on the Mount. Americans…eh, I don’t know. I have a sneaky suspicion it will backfire. If Obama pulls what he’s been pulling lately — lying to their faces, dismissing their legitimate concerns as manufactured “astroturf” outrage, and suggesting critics of the bill are misinformed, it will backfire big time.

I would love it if every Republican in congress would just show up in a pair of hip-waders over their suits, sit there politely, and every time he told another one of his whoppers, hike their waders up higher. The stretching sound alone would be devastating.

Oh, and naturally they should wear one  of these as well.

Sigh, but they won’t.

Michelle will be live-blogging, and offers a hilarious preview of Obamacare end of life counseling.  NRO offers health-care speech bingo. But please don’t make it into a drinking game, no human could safely consume that much alcohol.

I know nothing about the Republican who will be giving the rebuttal other than he’s a former doctor and from Louisiana.  Let’s hope he’s good!

The Bumper Sticker to Unite America by American Elephant

One Term Blunder Bumper Sticker

It’s hardly news that Barack Obama is deeply unpopular with conservatives, independents and all constitution-loving, liberty-loving patriots everywhere.  But now even the liberal left, impatient to have their minority, dictatorial will shoved down Americans’ unwilling throats, is grumbling about running a candidate against Obama in the Democratic primary.

Finally! Something we can all agree on: Obama has GOT to GO!

Most Americans disapprove of him because he is too dictatorial, nationalizing private industry like Hugo Chavez on crack, liberals are angry because he isn’t dictatorial enough. I say, why quibble over details!? Let’s unite behind the bigger idea and kick this incompetent commie to the curb!

Electing Obama to the presidency was an enormous, catastrophic BLUNDER that we and our posterity will be paying for for generations to come. You know it, I know it, heck, even he knows it — he just doesn’t care. So, be the first on your block to get the bumper sticker! (Also available in t-shirts, hoodies, buttons, bags, yard signs, protest signs, coffee mugs, doggy t’s and more!)

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Get one for yourself and one for each of your liberal friends. And while you’re at it, check out our other designs as well! (More are on the way!)

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