American Elephants

Obama Gets Out the Democrat Vote by American Elephant

By cutting border control agents:

Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Border Patrol Director of Media Relations Lloyd Easterling confirmed this week–as I first reported in my column yesterday–that his agency is planning for a net decrease of 384 agents on the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2010, which begins on October 1.[read more]

Democrats have already stated that as soon as they are done destroying American health care, amnesty is next on their agenda.

Obamacare preview: Dems Push to Bailout Failing Postal Service by American Elephant
September 24, 2009, 2:14 pm
Filed under: Health Care, Liberalism, Taxes | Tags: , ,

The House voted Thursday to freeze Medicare Part B premiums for most elderly next year, even as Democrats moved to exempt the Postal Service from having to make $4 billion in payments due next week to cover retirement health benefits for its employees. [read more]

What did YOUR kids learn today? by American Elephant
September 24, 2009, 4:54 am
Filed under: Education, History, Liberalism, Politics | Tags: ,

In New Jersey, they are learning to praise Obama in song:

[Update: This same woman has pushed her creepy program on kids in Washington DC, MD, PA and NY as well.]

In San Francisco, “Mr. B” is teaching his students to praise Obama in song, dance AND with pictures!

(I love that in a song at least ostensibly about being proud Americans, the children are drawing Mexican flags and writing in Spanish)

In Illinois, they are being taught to follow Obama unflinchingly.

While other students are being taught that Obama’s health care rhetoric is the gospel truth. As Smart Girl Politics reports, they are even being quizzed on his statements as though they were fact:


I’ve listed my answers here:

1) None.

2) A lot more since Obama became president! And getting the economy growing would do far more to help them than anything Democrats propose.


1.Undermine and over-regulate the private market.
2. Force people onto a government run plan.
3. Single-payer baby!


  1. Giving consumers what they want
  2. Succeeding.

5) Dishonestly.

6) Yes.

7) Whatever he thought he needed to say to get the bill passed, with almost no regard for the truth.

8 ) Make them permanent wards of the State, and thus the Democrat party. (That is, until they grow old or get sick at which time the benefits of assisted suicide will lovingly be explained to them by billy-club-wielding SEIU members.)

9) In ways that won’t pay for it.

10) I was irritated by the beginning, middle and end. I was inspired by the part where he talked about how he wouldn’t be president forever.

Do you think I would have passed? I rather doubt it.

My niece writes like an escaped homicidal maniac because her school feels it no longer has the time to teach penmanship. And let’s not even get started on how badly schools are failing at teaching out children accurate history, civics, mathematics, English, and science. Yet they have nothing but time when it comes to broadcasting presidential platitudes, using them as a ‘teaching moment”, or brainwashing your kids about the environment, and any number of other liberal agenda items.

I think we conservatives generally have a hard time believing that other people could really be so devious as to try to teach our children things we would object to.

They could and do.

Liberal activists have been working to increase their influence over your kids for decades. They work though legislatures, local governments and within the education system to make sure their agenda is taught as fact. The Obama worship is almost small potatoes by comparison.

So, what DID your kid learn in school today? Was it true? Do you know what they are being taught regarding  history? America? Capitalism? Religion? Do they know how their teachers feel about political issues, individual politicians or religion? (They shouldn’t.) Ever investigated what their text books teach?

Just curious.

(h/t Michelle Malkin)

How Green Was My Valley? Not So Much. by The Elephant's Child
September 24, 2009, 12:58 am
Filed under: Economy, Environment, Law | Tags: , ,

The Green movement extols a future of hybrid-electric cars, sure that it will also mean a future of green jobs, especially in the struggling industrial states in the Midwest.  Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the country.

In northern Michigan, mining companies are hoping for a new era in mining in the state’s Upper Peninsula because of a rise in commodities prices for nickel—in demand for use in batteries for the Toyota Prius, Chevy Silverado and other hybrids.

But the new rush for nickel mining jobs has run into opposition from — of course — the Green movement.   Mining can possibly harm streams and groundwater and the effects could be lasting.  The risk of long term damage is surely not worth any short-term economic gains.

“Across America, entrepreneurs are constructing …batteries for hybrid cars—projects that are creating new jobs and new industries.” President Obama said at the UN on Tuesday.

The National Wildlife Federation has gone to court.

The San Joaquin Valley in California is one of the great market agricultural regions of the country, and it is suffering from a  third year of drought, because of the latest mishandling of the Endangered Species Act.  Last December the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a “biological opinion” that imposed water restrictions  to safeguard the federally protected tiny delta smelt.  Billions of gallons of water from mountains east and north of Sacramento have been channeled away from farmers and into the ocean.

In some farming areas the unemployment numbers reach near 40%. A provision of the Endangered Species Act (added after the snail-darter folly) allows a panel of seven cabinet officers , the “God Squad,” to intervene in economic emergencies. Governor Schwarzenegger has been unwilling to use that remedy.

The power of the Endangered Species Act to damage economies is clear.

So now that we have an economy in recession, environmental activists are active.  WildEarth Guardians filed two petitions in the space of one month to list 681 species under the Endangered Species Act. The Act requires  each petition to be researched and reviewed.  In June  a petition to review 475 species was filed in New Mexico, and in July a separate petition to review 206 was filed in Denver. Usually it’s just one at a time.

It is difficult to determine if a species is endangered.  There may not be any here, but are there plenty on the other side of the hill? Some species are claimed to be “endangered” but recover quickly when people stop shooting them. The record is not very good.

The “green programs” that are initiated, whether wind farms, solar arrays, algae farms, mining or farming invariably draw activist environmental protests.  And since famously “green” organizations are only trying to “save the earth,” how can one object to these noble people?

If you really wonder, you can look them up at Discover the Networks or Activist Cash.  It is an interesting little bit of research.

Addendum: Bright Source Energy Inc. had planned a 5,130-acre solar power farm in a very remote part of the Mojave Desert.  The Wildlands Conservancy, a California environmental group, had tried to block the solar development, as had Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) who suggested it become a national monument. Canceled.  Look for another spot, and more subsidies.

The spot was about 50 miles northwest of Needles, CA and about 5 miles from the California-Nevada border.  The complex would be a 6 square mile facility (4065 acres) within the 25,000 square mile Mojave Desert and would generate enough electricity to power 140,000 homes,( except at night or when it is cloudy).

Needles may sound familiar, for it is often mentioned as the hottest spot in the nation. Not exactly a spot that is going to draw lots of tourists.

May I say  politely, heh heh,  I told you so!