American Elephants

The Stimulus Bill is President Obama’s Biggest Success. by The Elephant's Child
September 29, 2009, 10:06 pm
Filed under: Democrat Corruption, Domestic Policy, Economy, Environment

The more one learns about stimulus funds, the more depressing it gets.  The Stimulus Bill, we have learned, was designed by the Apollo Alliance, a far-left group that marries environmental radicals with labor union radicals. That, however, is no excuse.

The Senate last week was all set to award $2.6 million of stimulus money tor forest fire management to——the District of Columbia.  Washington, D.C. is notably lacking in forests.  This has to be a signature paragraph in the Big Golden Book of What Happens When You Do Not Read the Bills.

Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, where they do have forests,  filed an amendment to eliminate that funding and shift it to the U.S. Forest Service  which is actually in the business of fighting forest fires.

In an interview Mr. Barrasso said he was “amazed” when he saw where the funding was going.  “The last time Washington,D.C. faced a catastrophic fire is when the British burned down the White House in 1814.”

The National Interagency Fire Center says that more than 5.5 million acres of U.S. Wildlands have already burned this year.

The original plan was to give the money to a local D.C. non-profit called “Washington Parks & People”.  What was the group going to spend the money on?  “Planting trees and vegetables” and “green education projects.”

Only a small part of the stimulus funds have been spent, but among the projects are guardrails beside a dry lake, bridges that carry fewer than 10 cars a day, airports that have only occasional flights and other absolutely urgent projects.

Senator Barrasso added that “I’ve only been in Washington for a short time, but I’m continually shocked by how this town wastes money.”

Just the Tip of the Iceberg by American Elephant
September 29, 2009, 12:41 am
Filed under: Education, Politics, Progressivism, Socialism | Tags: ,

Yes, yet another Orwellian Obama-worship video has surfaced. I suspect these videos are only the tip of the iceberg. For every paean on tape, it only stands to reason, there are many more that were never filmed, never uploaded, never made public. And for every song, you can bet there are many more thousands of  murals, collages, pictures, poems and prose dedicated to the Dear Leader that we never see, because, frankly, primary school projects don’t make very good YouTube.

Remember, it was State Senator Obama who worked on legislation to teach politically correct sex-ed to 5 year olds. It was Barack Obama who partnered with his self-described communist buddy Bill Ayers on education reform, and Bill Ayers that wrote a book on how to suck your kids into the communist movement through public schools. Leftist gay groups have been using public schools to circumvent parental values for years. Environmental groups are deeply involved in schools, creating lesson plans to  fill your younglings heads with “green” global-warming gobbledygook when they should be learning useful disciplines like English, math and history.

Your kids are being indoctrinated, not educated.

Far More Americans Oppose Obamacare Than Ever Voted for Obama by American Elephant
September 29, 2009, 12:19 am
Filed under: Health Care, Politics, Socialism, Taxes | Tags: , ,


Perhaps you realized this before yours truly — I understood it was true, yet for whatever reason, never really wrapped my brain completely around it…

Whatever “mandate” Obama may have once had is history…evaporated….GONE!

He won the election by garnering 53% of the vote, and we were told that was a landslide. That he had a mandate.

Perhaps he once did, but American voters now oppose Obamacare by 56%. Forgive my remedial math, but if 53% is a landslide, then 56% is a complete shutout. Only 41% of voters — that’s barely more than his base — support his health-care proposals, and only tepidly at that. All the passion among Americans is in opposition to his signature issue.

Americans do not want what Barack is cooking!

The reason I post this, is because I don’t think Democrats have wrapped their tiny little brains around these numbers either. They certainly don’t behave like it. They are still pushing ahead with an attempt to cross a large majority of voters on an issue that touches more closely on personal liberty than any other. As personal as liberty gets.

I suspect Democrats saw President Bush defying popular will by refusing to abandon Iraq, and took inspiration from it. They believe his resolve means they can also defy the voters to pass their socialized health-care Trojan Horse. But they forget a few things at their peril.

  1. They forget that Bush was insisting on winning a war the American people, and their representatives, initially, specifically, supported. And
  2. They forget that Bush lost both houses of Congress for doing so.

Either that, or they are convinced that by passing their socialist health-care Trojan Horse, they will secure their majority in perpetuity. That voters wont dare vote them out once they depend on government for their health.

I think its a little bit of all of the above.

What we need to do is make sure every Democrat understands that we, the people are very serious in our opposition to these reform proposals — that they will lose their seats, and their majorities, if they pass this abomination.

I intend to explain it to Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell today.